Web searches are enshrined in America’s founding documents, and cigarettes have a First Amendment right to be alive with pleasure.
Google searches for “Santorum” and “Rick Santorum for your edification. 😉
Oct 02 2011
Web searches are enshrined in America’s founding documents, and cigarettes have a First Amendment right to be alive with pleasure.
Google searches for “Santorum” and “Rick Santorum for your edification. 😉
Sep 25 2011
Lewis Black takes a look at good and bad arsenic and wonders what makes Chaz Bono more controversial than a bunch of criminals and freaks.
I don’t know if letting your kids watch Chaz Bono will turn them into transsexuals, but I’m pretty sure letting them watch Keith Ablow will turn them into ass holes.”
Sep 18 2011
Warning! Even with blips the language is graphic and not work place friendly.
Uncensored – Big Mouth Billie Vagina
Kristen Schaal is torn on the HPV issue: on one hand, Rick Perry takes care of Texas vaginas, and on the other, Michele Bachmann argues for a woman’s right to choose cancer.
Sep 11 2011
The GOP candidates fulfill the fifth pillar of Republicanism: the Hajj to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Republicans have a choice between a guy with a multipoint fact-based plan that he thinks will get the economy going and a guy who will punch cancer in the face.
Sep 04 2011
New Tork Times columnist and Nobel Prize winning Economist, Paul Krugman was a guest on This Week with Christiane Amanpour participating in a rountable discussion with Jared Bernstein, Doug Holtz-Eakin, and Carol Lee on jobs. Sounds like Dr. Krugman had a lousy morning.
Boy, that was a morning of the undead.
First, we had DeMint assuring us that businessmen he talks to say that fear of regulation – and the National Labor Relations Board!- is holding them back.
Then Douglas Holtz-Eakin repeated the claim, and also did the “we’re about to be Greece” thing after a week in which the 10-year Treasury fell to 2 percent.
OK, that’s what happens with zombie ideas- no matter how often you kill them, they keep coming back. But don’t these people ever get embarrassed?
Dr. Krugman links to an article in McClatchy that debunks the argument that regulations, taxes are killing small business, the owners say they aren’t:
WASHINGTON – Politicians and business groups often blame excessive regulation and fear of higher taxes for tepid hiring in the economy. However, little evidence of that emerged when McClatchy canvassed a random sample of small business owners across the nation.
McClatchy reached out to owners of small businesses, many of them mom-and-pop operations, to find out whether they indeed were being choked by regulation, whether uncertainty over taxes affected their hiring plans and whether the health care overhaul was helping or hurting their business.
Their response was surprising.
None of the business owners complained about regulation in their particular industries, and most seemed to welcome it. Some pointed to the lack of regulation in mortgage lending as a principal cause of the financial crisis that brought about the Great Recession of 2007-09 and its grim aftermath.
Umm. Yes, he’s right these people are zombies. You can’t kill them or their lies.
Aug 21 2011
Aug 14 2011
MSNBC talk show host Dylan Ratigan lets go with both guns blazing on US political ties to banking. The Republican strategists sticks to her talking points, totally ignoring reality.
Aug 07 2011
Stephen thanks his contributors to his Super PAC with a special call out to Suq Madiq, his dad, Liqa Madiq and his mom, who still uses her maiden name, Munchma Quchi. He did warn his affiliates he was going “low”.
Jul 24 2011
The last couple of weeks Cenk Uygur, a liberal, outspoken commentator, has been missing from the 6 PM program he had been regularly hosting on MSNBC.
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) explains why he turned down a new, significantly larger MSNBC contract after hosting a prime-time show on the network that was beating CNN in the key demo ratings. He also shares his thoughts on Rachel Maddow and Fox News.
What Jane Hamsher at FDL Action said:
I have, and always have had, tremendous respect for Cenk Uygur. His contract with his audience is that he will never put himself in a position where he cannot say what he really thinks. And in turning down MSNBC’s offer to host a weekend show so he could give his audience a fair appraisal of what happened, he honors that contract.
What Glenn Greenwald at Salon said:
(But as) Uygur’s stories make clear, MSNBC very much considers itself “part of the establishment” and demands that its on-air personalities reflect that status. With some exceptions, MSNBC largely fits comfortably in the standard, daily Republicans v. Democrats theatrical conflicts, usually from the perspective that the former is bad and the latter are good. It’s liberal — certainly more liberal than other establishment media outlets have been in the past — but it’s establishment liberalism, and that’s allowed. It’s wandering too far afield from that framework, being too hostile to the system of political and financial power itself, that is frowned upon.
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