Tag: Rant of the Week

Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert

Anti-frack Attacks


To promote fracking, Talisman Energy releases Talisman Terry the Frackosaurus, the funnest energy extraction-based character since Mountaintop Mining Manny.

Rant of the Week: Rachel Maddow

The Republicans “crazies” are flooding the primary field with felons, the head of the KKK and the religious fanatics that make the Westborough Baptist Church members sound sane.

GOP candidates court crackpot constituency

Rachel reviews the role of the social conservative fringe in 2012 Republican politics.

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart

Warning this video contains very graphic matter that you may not want to watch

Moral Kombat

The Supreme Court has good news for the makers of graphically violent video games and bad news for the makers of Super Mario Boners.

But just a provocatively posed naked body is a No-No.  

Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert

Generic Republican Presidential Nominee

Jon Huntsman announces his presidential candidacy, and Stephen finds the perfect generic Republican presidential candidate.

Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert

The Word: Hear no Evil

Stephen Colbert comments on Sen. Rand Paul’s proposal that anyone who hears a speech that might advocate the over throw of the US government be arrested.

“After all the Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of speech, not freedom of listen”

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart

Daily Show: Me Lover’s Pizza With Crazy Broad

Donald Trump disrespects New Yorkers by taking Sarah Palin to a pizza chain and eating his stacked slices with a fork.

Rant of the Week: Rachel Maddow

Osama bin Laden is dead. Now after 10 years why are we still Afghanistan? What our diplomats fail to recognize about tribal customs of the Afghan people gets an explanation from Rachel Maddow. The reason for the military to be in Afghanistan is dead, of that I am certain. Are we now getting closer to bringing our troops home?

Rant of the Week: A “Dramatic” Reading

Thanks to Stephen Colbert, John Lithgow and Lawrence O’Donnell for this rendition of Newt Gingrich’s press release. If only the rest of politics were so entertaining.

Rant of the Week: Lawrence O’Donnell

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) thinks that the right to health care is slavery and that the police could come to his house to “conscript” him to treat patients. If the right to health care makes doctors, nurses, et al, slaves, then the Constitution which bans slavery, enslaves lawyers. Rand, you really should have read the document that you took an oath to uphold, some libertarian you are.

Rant of the Week

Late Night Funnies

Even though it was a serious news week, late night comedians still has the nation laughing. Here’s the best of the best.

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