Incoming White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci made his debut last week at a press conference. Hired over the objections of chief of staff Reince Preibus, chief advisor Steve Bannon and, now former press secreatry Sean “Spicey” Spicer who felt Scaramucci did not have the qualifications for the job, Scaramucci immediately proved them right. The …
Tag: Politics
Jul 27 2017
The Russian Connection: The Russian Mob
Update 16:24: This just dropped at TPM: Felix Sater, who worked obtaining financing for Trump projects including the Trump SoHo, told TPM that the “peace plan” came up in the course of his attempts to broker an agreement to sell energy abroad from Ukraine’s nuclear power plants with Andrii Artemenko, at the time a Ukrainian parliamentarian. The plan was to refurbish …
Jul 26 2017
Trump Bans Transgenders From Military Service
Update 15:37 ET: A report in Poltico claims that this ban is all about money in the budget for the border wall. When anti-trans Republicans from the House told Trump they would hold up funding for the border wall unless he banned Transgender people from the Military, Trump, obviously, didn’t hesitate. In the middle of …
Jul 25 2017
Now They Debate But Debate What?
The the vice president casting the tie breaking vote, the Senate voted 51- 50 to debate the repeal and replace of the Affordable Care Act. But just what are they debating? The plan emerging in the hours before the successful vote was for the Senate to vote in the days to come on competing repeal-and-replace …
Jul 23 2017
Trumpcare: Is This Thing Finally Dead?
Update 15:25 7/23/2017: Karoli Kuns at Crooks and Liars ha an excellent summary of the parliamentarian’s ruling on what’s in and out of the Trumpcare bill: Good news! Almost everything the Senate and House want to do to gut health care for the entire country has been ruled out of order by the Senate parliamentarian, …
Jul 21 2017
The Russian Connection: Sessions Lied. No Kidding
It’s Friday night. It’s late July and really hot n Washington DC and the Trump administration is getting really desperate to find a way to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. But, he has to fire Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. After Trump’s interview with the New York Times where he trashed Sessions, it looks …
Jul 21 2017
Reshuffling the Deck Chairs: Three More Overboard
Well, folks it’s Friday and the news dump has started early. This morning Press Secretary Sean “Spicey” Spicer resigned his position in a pique over the appointment of former transition team official and Wall Street financier Anthony Scaramucci as the new communication director. The office has been empty since the resignation of Mike Dubke in …
Jul 19 2017
The Russian Connection: The Eighth Man
Now there are eight. The Washington Post identified the eighth person in the room with Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner as Ike Kaveladze, a Russian born US citizen who was implicated in a money laundering scheme in 2000, and is now a senior vice president at Russian real estate developer Aras Agalarov’s …
Jul 18 2017
Dead Again, Naturally
The Republican House Trumpcare 2.0 was dead on arrival in the Senate. Late last night the Senate’s second version (by my count that would have been 4.0) bled to death before it even reached the floor when two more senators defected to the rational side, or maybe not, depending on the reasons. It doesn’t matter, …
Jul 14 2017
The Russian Connection: Junior And Jared Excellent Adventure
One of the worst ways to handles a political scandal is to not put it all out on the table from the start. It’s the “drip, drip, drip” that’ll will get you. While Donald the Lesser dropped the e-mails that led up to the meeting with a Russian lawyer who has dubious connections to the …
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