Tag: Politics

Protecting The 2nd Amendment At Any Price

On Monday the Senate voted on four bills on gun control. Needless to say, the wholly owned Senate defeated even the most reasonable measure that would have closed the loop hole in back ground checks at gun shows and on line. Instead Congress panders to the right wing gun lovers and idiots who think that …

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2016 Primaries: District of Columbia – The Last Hurrah

The first half of the silly season is over tonight with the Democratic Primary and Republican Convention in the District of Columbia. Hillary Clinton is the projected winner with over 78% of the vote. She met tonight with Sen. Bernie Sanders at the Capitol Hilton for a one on one conversation. They left after 90 …

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2016 Primaries: It’s Almost Over

Except for the District of Columbia caucus on June 14, voters in the last five states went to the polls this morning. It’s been over for the Republicans for awhile. It was essentially was over yesterday for the Democrats when Hillary Clinton, after winning 36 delegates in the Puerto Rico primary, gained enough elected and …

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U.S. Primaries And Caucuses Are ‘An Erratic Clusterf**k Every 4 Years’

I’ve been saying this for years and I’m not alone, our system for selecting the person who will head the most powerful country in the world is in need of a major overhaul. I’m not saying this because my candidate is losing, I have no candidate in this race, except that the prospects of a …

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“People Who Somehow Got Elected”

With Maine’s Tea Party,  veto happy Governor Paul Lepage’s penchant for doing and saying some really outrageous things, it was only a matter of time before John Oliver, host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” took notice. As the narrator notes, “You see, while most humans possess a thin barrier that stops thoughts from immediately exiting …

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The Great American Bathroom Controversy

Representative Alan Grayson (D-FL) gave a pointed and memorable speech about the latest tempest in a teapot, the controversial North Carolina Bathroom law that dictates which bathroom transgender people go to the bathroom. MYOB, common sense and decency. I am all for government rebuilding roads, addressing wage inequality, regulating industry, banks, etc. but not where …

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Liz Warren’s Twitter War with Drumpf

Presumptive nominee and name calling bully, Donald “Drumpf” Trump took the wrong person on in a Twitter battle when he started calling Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren goofy. She didn’t sit back she took him to the principal’s office. Drumpf is a sexist, racist, clueless dolt who has no idea how government works or just how …

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Americans Are Living In The Wrong Country

Activist and Academy Award winning documentarian, Michael Moore has a new documentary called “Where to Invade Next” Moore sets up his film by daydreaming about a summons from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “Instead of using Marines, use me,” he pleads. As we watch a collage of America at its worst – bank scandals, stock …

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2016 Primaries: West Virginia and Nebraska

Another Tuesday and another two primaries. In Nebraska, it’s Republicans only, Democratic caucus was held on March 5. Although there are three names on the ballot, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Governor John Kasich (R-OH) having “suspended” their campaigns, real estate mogul Donald Trump is expected to win all 36 delegates. But nothing there is …

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Where Are You, Jon, When We Need You Most?

Former host of “The Daily Show” sat down with David Axelrod, former advisor to President Barack Obama and, now, director of the non-partisan Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago, to discuss the state of the current presidential election. specifically Donald “Drumpf” Trump. The discussion took place before an audience at the University of …

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