“A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March.” Brutus to Caesar, Julius Caesar Act 1, scene 2, 15–19 The super of the “Super Tuesday”s is here with hundreds of delegates for Democrats and Republicans up for grabs in five states. There is one caucus for the GOP in The Northern Mariana Islands that …
Tag: Politics
Mar 15 2016
A Message To Trump Protesters
The Nightly Show’s Trevor Noah and Charles Pierce of Esquire Politics have some really good advice for the protesters at Trump rallies: Stay Out Of The Building. As Uncle Charlie says: Don’t become part of the show. Stop being played for such suckers. Stop enlisting yourself in his bloody vaudeville. Stop giving him stuff …
Mar 14 2016
Decrypting the Encryption Battle
President Barack Obama became the first president to address the annual technology and music festival, South by South West (SXSW), in Austin, Texas. Without mentioning the FBI’s battle with Apple over access to an encrypted i-Phone, his attempt at “healing the rift” between the tech industry and the government fell more than flat and he …
Mar 12 2016
2016 Primaries and Caucuses: March 12
Today the Republicans are holding caucuses in Wyoming and the District of Columbia plus the US island territory, Guam is holding a convention to select delegates. For the Democrats there is a caucus in the Northern Marianna Islands. Wyoming Republicans vote for national delegates, not a presidential preference. 12 delegates will be selected today. Another …
Mar 10 2016
The Dawning
If the crass candidacy of Donald “Drumpf” Trump, it may have forced a few people to admit to some cold hard facts about Republican policies and voters. On MSNBC Joe “Schmoe” Scarborough finally admitted that after thirty years only rich people benefited from Republican economic policies. “The problem with the Republican Party over the past …
Mar 08 2016
2016 Elections & Primaries: March 8
Voters go the polls in four states today. Democrats and Republicans will vie for delegates in Michigan and Mississippi while just Republicans are holding caucuses in Hawaii and Idaho. Up for grabs for the Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are 166 delegates and 150 for the remaining four Republicans. Republican Donald Trump and …
Mar 06 2016
2016 Primaries & Caucuses + Democrats Debate
It’s the silly season and there is no escape since it the stupidity and schoolyard banality of the GOP candidates has infected the air. Today there is the Democratic caucus in Maine and Republicans hold a primary in Puerto Rico. Apparently there is a very large turn out in Maine where there are 30 delegates …
Mar 05 2016
2016 Primaries & Caucuses Without Ben
Five states are holding primaries and causes today as the leading presidential contenders, Hillary Clinton and Donald Drumpf, seek to extend their leads. On the Republican side voters are down to just four choices since retired brain surgeon Ben Carson officially suspended his campaign yesterday. Up for grabs are 155 GOP delegates in four states, …
Mar 04 2016
No More Football For Louisiana
As the GOP vulgar clown show heads to Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, and Kentucky on Saturday, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow reviews the havoc wreaked on the states of Louisiana, Kansas, and Michigan by the poor governance of their Republican governors Bobby Jindal, Sam Brownback, and Rick Snyder, respectively, and notes that these states are next in the …
Mar 03 2016
For nearly 22 minutes John Oliver, host of HBO “Last Week Tonight,” roasted GOP presidential front runner, Donald “The Vulgar Talking Yam” Trump, whose real family name is Drumpf, in a searing litany of his lies, fraudulent business deals and bigotry. Part of what was so good about it was that Oliver’s wiry amped-up style …
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