Tag: TMC Politics

2018 Elections: New Hampshire State Primary

Tuesday September 11 is New Hampshire’s primary day. Voters are selecting challengers for popular Governor Chris Sununu (R) and candidates to fill the seat of retiring House Representative Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH1). Vote are also choosing a Republican challenger for Rep. Annie Kuster (D-NH2) The state is notorious for flipping between Democrats and Republicans to represent …

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The “I Am Spartacus” Moment

The Senate Judiciary Committee has been questioning Donald Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh of District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals, for three days. The Democrats on the committee have justifiably complained about the vast number of documents pertaining to the nominee’s opinions that have either been arbitrarily declared confidential by the …

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The Russian Connection: Trump’s Latest Target – Bruce Ohr

On of the names that came up in Donald Trump’s latest vendetta of trying derail the Russian investigation is a man named most are not familiar with, Bruce Ohr. Ohr works in the criminal division of the Justice Department and he has been a frequent target of Trump’s tweets in August. Before Trump started tweeting, …

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2018 Midterm Election: North Carolina Edition

Oops they did it again. A panel of three federal judge ruled that districts in North Carolina were unconstitutionally gerrymandered and must be redrawn before the November midterm elections just 70 days away. In 2016, the federal court ruled that the 2011 legislative map was racially gerrymandered. The Republican dominated legislature passed a plan that …

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Texas and America Needs This Man In The Senate

Texas Democratic Representative Beto O’Rourke, who represents Texas 16th congressional which includes El Paso, is running for the Senate seat currently held by first term Republican Senator Ted Cruz, probably the most disliked senator on both sides of the aisle. Sen. Lindsay Graham jokingly once said, “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of …

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Trump’s Pecker Problem May Be Grounds For Impeachment

Conspiring with Russia may be the least of Donald Trump’s problems. His inability to keep his pants zipped and have sexual relations with women to whom is not married, especially those who resemble his daughter Ivanka, may be what gets him impeached. Take it away Marcy Wheeler, It was a three ring circus among top …

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Tuesday’s Trifecta

Tuesday was quite day for the Trump administration and the Republican party. Trump’s personal lawyer and “fixer” Michael Cohen plead guilty in a New York federal court to eight criminal counts and implicated Donald Trump in a plea deal with prosecutors of the Southern District of New York. The counts against Cohen included tax fraud, …

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The Russian Connection: Without A Clue

The prime reason the media is fixated on Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Russian interference of the 2018 election is Donald Trump’s narcissistic fueled paranoia and inept members of his legal team and administration. They just don’t know how to remain silent Over the weekend the New York Times published a puff piece on White …

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The Russian Connection: Trump Admits To Obstruction

For a man who claims that there is no obstruction or “collusion” and that he has done nothing wrong, Donald Trump sounds and acts guiltier by the day. On Wednesday he revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan outside of the normal clearance review and adjudication process. In a 255 word statement …

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2018 Primaries: 8/14/2018 Results

Four states, Connecticut, Minnesota, Vermont and Wisconsin, held primaries on Tuesday. Besides those primaries, we got a concession from one of the undecided elections from last week. Kansas Governor Jeff Colyer conceded the election to Trump backed State Attorney General Kris Kobach. Colyer conceded Tuesday night, hours after a tally of provisional ballots in Johnson …

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