Tag: TMC Politics

The Reign of the Chaos President*

There is a huge storm hitting the northeast coast, a Nor’easter, that is causing chaos with ground and air transportation. With winds reaching near hurricane force, there are downed trees and power lines. It will be gone tomorrow and the clean up begins. Slowly, everything will return to normal. Too bad that can’t be said …

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The Russian Connection: It’s Getting Harder To Keep Up.

Yesterday was a busy day for news coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It started with Donald Trump meeting with a bipartisan group at the White House to discuss passing comprehensive gun legislation. While it had Democrats smiling, it didn’t make the Republicans in the room very happy. In 2016, NRA-endorsed Republican candidate Donald Trump won …

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How Long Are We Going To Last?

The White House has an incredible list of incompetent advisors, cabinet members and agency heads. Most are either close family members, family friends or people who worked closely in the Trump organization. Some others are business associates, as well as, supporters and donors from the campaign. It is frightening to realize how unqualified most of …

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The Russian Connection: Two Jurisdictions

It was announced earlier today that former Trump advisor Rick Gates will plead guilty today and cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller III. The 32 new fraud charges that were brought against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Gates yesterday in Virginia may have been the tipping point for Gates. NBC News is reporting …

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Saying Vs Doing

After this last horrific massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas School in Parkland FL that took the lives of 17 students and teachers, the debate over gun control has taken on a new fervor. The students have taken the lead in calling BS on state and federal politicians and the NRA. They are impassioned, eloquent and …

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Ghouls. Have They No Shame?

For the weary White House, Florida shooting offered a ‘reprieve’ from scandals “For everyone, it was a distraction or a reprieve,” said the White House official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reflect internal conversations. “A lot of people here felt like it was a reprieve from seven or eight days of just …

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“We Call BS”

Emma Gonzalez, a student at the Parkland, Florida high school where 17 people were left dead after a mass shooting, calls out President Trump and the NRA by name at an anti-gun rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I cannot tell you how proud I am of these young men and women. They are our future.

The Russian Connection: It’s Not A Witch Hunt

The Robert Mueller’s office dropped a 37 page indictment of 13 Russian nationals for interfering in the 2016 election. The scheme began in 2014 and involved “unwitting” American citizens and Trump campaign officials. This is the report from The Guardian Mueller’s office said 13 Russians and three Russian entities, including the notorious state-backed “troll farm” …

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The Russian Connection: The Real Problem

While the question of whether Donald Trump and company conspired with the Russians to influence the 2016 election is serious, it is not the most pressing problem. The fact that all the intelligence agencies and the FBI agree that Russian interference in our elections is continuing. The severity of the issue became even more evident …

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The Russian Connection: House Rules

Last week Donald Trump released the un-redacted Nunes Memo over the objections of the FBI and Department of Justice. On Friday he refused to allow the release of 10 page Democratic response which had been vetted by the DOJ and FBi, probably because it would make Trump and Nunes look like the fools they are. …

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