Tag: TMC Politics

The Russian Connection: FBI Raids Before Dawn

While the news cycle was focused on almost White House communications director Anthony “Mooch” Scaramucci’s potty mouth, a raid was taking place in the predawn hours of July 26 in Alexandria, Virginia. The FBI was executing a search warrant on the home of former trump campaign chair Paul Manafort, looking to seize documents and other …

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The Outsourcing of War

The Trump administration has a brilliant idea on how to deael with the conundrum of the 16 year war in Afghanistan: privatize it by outsourcing it to a private mercenary army. Trump White House weighs unprecedented plan to privatize much of the war in Afghanistan By Jim Michaels, USA Today The White House is actively …

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In Memorium: “Mooch” (July 21, 2017 – July 31, 2017)

On Sunday night, John Oliver, host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” returned with a tribute to Anthony “Mooch” Scaramucci, the newly appointed White House communications director. Little did he know that in less than 24 hours “Mooch” would be gone, relegated to the trash bin of discarded White House staffers. The “mourning” began shortly after …

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Well, That Didn’t Last Long

The almost communications director Anthony “Mooch” Scaramucci has been ousted before he even got started apparently at the request of newly sworn in chief of staff John Kelly. Mr. Scaramucci’s abrupt removal came just 10 days after the wealthy New York financier was brought on to the West Wing staff, a move that convulsed an …

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Trumpcare: Beating a Dead Horse

On Sunday’s “State of the Union,” host Jake Tapper was told by White House budget director Mike Mulvaney that Trump wants the Senate to hold another vote to repeal Obamacare before moving on to any other legislative business. The Donald’s delicate ego can’t take the fact that this dead horse can’t even get a majority …

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Mooch the Mouth

Incoming White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci made his debut last week at a press conference. Hired over the objections of chief of staff Reince Preibus, chief advisor Steve Bannon and, now former press secreatry Sean “Spicey” Spicer who felt Scaramucci did not have the qualifications for the job, Scaramucci immediately proved them right. The …

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The Russian Connection: The Russian Mob

Update 16:24: This just dropped at TPM: Felix Sater, who worked obtaining financing for Trump projects including the Trump SoHo, told TPM that the “peace plan” came up in the course of his attempts to broker an agreement to sell energy abroad from Ukraine’s nuclear power plants with Andrii Artemenko, at the time a Ukrainian parliamentarian. The plan was to refurbish …

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Trump Bans Transgenders From Military Service

Update 15:37 ET: A report in Poltico claims that this ban is all about money in the budget for the border wall. When anti-trans Republicans from the House told Trump they would hold up funding for the border wall unless he banned Transgender people from the Military, Trump, obviously, didn’t hesitate. In the middle of …

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Now They Debate But Debate What?

The the vice president casting the tie breaking vote, the Senate voted 51- 50 to debate the repeal and replace of the Affordable Care Act. But just what are they debating? The plan emerging in the hours before the successful vote was for the Senate to vote in the days to come on competing repeal-and-replace …

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Trumpcare: Is This Thing Finally Dead?

Update 15:25 7/23/2017: Karoli Kuns at Crooks and Liars ha an excellent summary of the parliamentarian’s ruling on what’s in and out of the Trumpcare bill: Good news! Almost everything the Senate and House want to do to gut health care for the entire country has been ruled out of order by the Senate parliamentarian, …

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