In 1968, GOP presidential candidate Richard M. Nixon conspired with a foreign government to scuttle the Paris Peace Talks and the election of his Democratic opponent Vice President Hubert H Humphrey. From the FBI wiretaps, (President Lydon B.) Johnson quickly learned about the role of Nixon campaign official (and right-wing China Lobby figure) Anna Chennault …
Tag: TMC Politics
Jul 27 2016
2016 Democratic National Convention Day 3
Last night the Democrats made history nominating former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to be their candidate for President of the United States Breaking a historic barrier, Democrats triumphantly chose Hillary Clinton as their White House nominee Tuesday night, the first woman ever to lead a major political party into the general election. Delegates …
Jul 25 2016
The Putin Connection
The Republican nominee for president has deep ties to Russia and it’s head of state Vladimir Putin that long preceded his friendship with Paul Manafort. And, as Charlie Pierce said, this should raise alarm bells for anyone concerned about democracy. Pierce leads us to an in depth article by Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo …
Jul 20 2016
The Republican National Convention: Day 3 (The Pain Continues)
It’s another day of obsessing over Melania Trump’s speech with a Trump business staffer and close family friend came forward to take responsibility for the plagiarized speech. There is also much discussion of last night’s convention that officially named Donald Trump the GOP nominee for president. The theme of the night was “Make America Work …
Jul 19 2016
Republican National Convention: Day 2 (Off To Work We Go)
The big news, or at least what the msm is obsessing over, is that a significant portion of Melania Trump’s speech was plagiarized from the one given by First Lady Michelle Obama at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Apparently no one in the Trump campaign ran the speech through a Google search. Naturally, they can’t …
Jul 19 2016
Pondering the Pundits
“Pondering the Pundits” is an Open Thread. It is a selection of editorials and opinions from around the news medium and the internet blogs. The intent is to provide a forum for your reactions and opinions, not just to the opinions presented, but to what ever you find important. Thanks to ek hornbeck, click on …
Jul 18 2016
John Oliver: 2016 Suicide Pact
“Last Week Tonight” won’t be back until July 24 but the host, John Oliver, checked in with a web exclusive to tell us who he is endorsing.
Jul 15 2016
The Logo That Say’s It All
Along with the announcement that presumptive GOP presidential nominee has chosen Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate, the campaign released it’s new logo. Leave it to Samantha Bee, host of TBS’ “Full Frontal,” to get the true message and put it in motion. Breaking the mattress of America. — Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) …
Jun 22 2016
Protecting The 2nd Amendment At Any Price
On Monday the Senate voted on four bills on gun control. Needless to say, the wholly owned Senate defeated even the most reasonable measure that would have closed the loop hole in back ground checks at gun shows and on line. Instead Congress panders to the right wing gun lovers and idiots who think that …
Jun 07 2016
2016 Primaries: It’s Almost Over
Except for the District of Columbia caucus on June 14, voters in the last five states went to the polls this morning. It’s been over for the Republicans for awhile. It was essentially was over yesterday for the Democrats when Hillary Clinton, after winning 36 delegates in the Puerto Rico primary, gained enough elected and …
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