While the House managers make the case for removing Donald trump from the office of the presidency, more incriminating evidence keeps dripping out. This morning it was a tape of a conversation during dinner at Trump’s Washington DC hotel about then US to the Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch between Trump, and his personal lawyer Rudy …
Tag: TMC Politics
Jan 24 2020
Impeachment: Senate Trial 1.24.2020
Today starts the fourth day of the Senate trial of Donald Trump. OIt is the third and last day of arguments made by the House management team. Tomorrow starts the first of three daysof arguments by Trump’s lawyers in his defense. Republicans have been complaining about the length of the days and the repetition of …
Jan 23 2020
Impeachment: The Senate Trial 1.23.2020
As the Senate trial of Donald Trump enters its third day, Trump is back on from Davos and tweeting at record pace. Republicans can only protect him for so long before he confesses on Twitter. Today the House managers will continue with their opening arguments focusing on his abuse of power. The trial resumes at …
Jan 21 2020
Impeachment: The Senate Trial 1.21.2020
Coverage of the Senate Trial of Donald John Trump begins live via PBS at about 12:30 PM ET. The Senate session is set to start at 1:00 PM ET. Today’s session is going to be mostly a fight over the rules that Senate Majority Leader “Midnight in Moscow” Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has put forward which …
Jan 16 2020
Impeachment: Yes, Trump Broke Federal Law
The first article of impeachment charges him with abuse of power for pressuring Ukraine to assist him in his re-election campaign by damaging Democratic rivals. Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election. He did so through a scheme …
Jan 04 2020
Just Another Distraction
Why would the lunatic in the Oval Office order the assassination of one of Iran’s top generals? You have to remember how this narcissistic psychopath thinks; it’s all about him. That brings us to the obvious explanation, he needed a distraction from his pending trial in the Senate which has been headlines for weeks. Two …
Dec 17 2019
The Real World Of Grand Rapids, MI
Michigan is the birthplace and family home of our intrepid editor-in-chief and good friend ek hornbeck (No that is not his real name, but I’ll never tell. Sorry, Meteor Blades). It is also the home of a fellow blogger and friend Marcy Wheeler, proprietress of emptywheel. Marcy lives in Grand Rapids where this past Sunday …
Dec 06 2019
No Statute of Limitations: Torture
There is no statute of limitations on torture, not only for those who commit the crime but for those who condone, cover it up of refuse to prosecute it. It is illegal under International and US Law. The US is required under law to prosecute torture. President George W. Bush condoned it and covered it …
Dec 04 2019
Impeachment: House Intelligence Committee Report
Because I know you want to read it. House Intelligence Committ… by Fox News on Scribd
Dec 03 2019
Impeachment: Our Vichy Republicans
During the German occupation of France from July 1940 to September, 1944, France was ruled by a Nazi puppet government that was known as Vichy France. Vichy France, officially known as the French State, was a Nazi puppet government that ruled France between July, 1940 and August, 1944. Philippe Pétain, a former field marshal in …
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