Tag: sausage grinder of snark

The Daily/Nightly Show (New Normal)

Sony Hacks


Jessica Williams

Next week’s guests-

We now know Jon’s last show will be August 6th.  David Letterman will be departing a scant month from now on May 20th.  It is unknown when Stephen will take over, it will depend in part on how quickly they can remake the set.  The same considerations apply to how quickly Trevor Noah will be taking over from Jon.  Comedy Central has said that they don’t intend to change the format that much (as opposed to Larry who’s had to build pretty much everything from scratch) so it may be quicker than you think or it may not.

Jeff Garlin will be on to promote Repeat After Me, a hidden camera show produced by Ellen DeGeneres that premiered February 17th.

The real news below.

The Daily/Nightly Show (Each Other’s Laundry)


It stands for Black Nerd.  It’s Larry’s first web exclusive clip.

Tonight’s panel is Mike Yard, Philip Galanes, and Christine Tiegen.  I have no idea what they are going to be talking about.


Everyone Loves Awards

I am thinking now about dispensing my own awards- The Hornbecks.

Next week’s guests-

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon is a Clintonite Neolib who shills feminism through entrepreneurship.  Yup, no matter how poor and destitute you and your family are, you can always grub a few extra scraps by doing the housekeeping or laundry or cooking or dressmaking of your betters.

You know what I hate?  When a particularly obsequious asshole like Eric Greitens gets a 2 part web exclusive extended video that I feel compelled to publish as part of the record.

That and the real news below.

The Daily/Nightly Show (Completely True)

Just Call It ‘Office Supplies’

It’s a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.

Yeah, well, I guess they had it coming.

We all got it coming, kid.

Tonightly we’ll be talking about things that are completely true with Neil Degrasse Tyson, Robin Thede, and Mike Cannon.


Sympathy For The Devil

Next week’s guests-

Eric Greitens is whoring Resilience: Hard-Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life, he’s the kind of person centrist types drool over.  Former JSOC in charge of an anti-al Qaeda unit, Duke grad, Rhodes and Truman scholar, Piled High and Deep in Political Science (yeah, right, the only social science more sketchy than Economics); he worked for W as a Katrina relief co-ordinator (heck of a job) and is running for office in Missouri as a…

Wait for it…


Way to go Jon.  What a great guest.  Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

Billy Crystal’s web exclusive extended video and the real news below.

The Daily/Nightly Show (Am I Crystal?)

There is nothing about last night’s shows I care to remember.

This week’s guests-

The real news below.

The Daily/Nightly Show (I am the Slime)

Miles Thompson

Tonight’s topic is “Creative ways to execute Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.”  The Panelists are Dan Soder, Keith Robinson, and Alex Wagner.

I don’t know who thought this was funny, or appropriate, days after the conviction and right before the Boston Marathon but they were wrong and should be fired.

Yeah, that includes you Larry and you too Jon if your production company approved it.

This is an Islamophobic media lynching.  Don’t believe me?  Look at the guests- two shock comics one of whom earned their stripes on the Homophobic, Racist, Opus and Anthony show and still appears as a regular, and a “Lean Forward” DLC Operative scum sucking corporatist shill correspondent on the Faux Liberal news network MSNBC.

As angry as I am at Dick Cheney and W who are self admited war criminals who deserve to be mentioned in the same breath with Hitler I have never, ever advocated their execution.

Let them rot in Spandau.

Moreover there are many, many unanswered questions about the Boston Marathon Bomb Plot including but not limited to why did the FBI and DHS ignore Tamerlan after labeling him a terrorist?  Why did the FBI execute Tamerlan’s best friend during an interrogation?  Who made the bombs?  The governments story about these issues is as leaky as their case against Bruce Edwards Ivins in the anthrax attacks.

And we know the government lies about these things, just as Police testalie all the time to convict people of color.

Wake up and smell the coffee Larry!

I don’t know if I’ll even bother watching.  I’m disgusted with you Larry that you ever let this air.  You’re deluded or hypocritical, take your pick.


Not African Enough For You?

The Daily Show Needs An African American Woman Host

This week’s guests-

One can only hope Jon is really, really funny tonight because Fareed Zakaria is another corporatist warhawk who only seems good by comparison with the other buckets of slime that ooze from cable news.

Adam Horovitz’s web exclusive extended video and the real news below.

The Daily/Nightly Show (Your Right to Party)

Bernie Sanders Announcement!

Tonight we will be be discussing a far less exciting announcement, that of Hillary Clinton.  The panel will be Debi Mazar, Nia-Malika Henderson, and Ricky Velez.


Asaad Minaj (with a cameo by Sam Bee)

This week’s guests-

Adam Horovitz, better known as Ad-Rock, is one of the original Beastie Boys and unless we’re going to discuss his recent feud with Vin Diesel over whether Diesel was ever a dancer for the Beastie Boys.

Elizabeth Warren’s 2 part web exclusive extended video and the real news below.

The Daily/Nightly Show (Trevor Noah II)

Oh yeah, tweets.  So yesterday was Monday, last week (between time change, Basketball, appointments, and visitors I’m getting very, very confused).  By Tuesday the real blowback had started centered around 8 admittedly unfunny tweets Trevor Noah made-

Frankly I don’t understand insult or physical comedy at all.  The Three Stooges leave me cold and if you’re going to insult someone better it should be like Groucho Marx and not Don Rickles.

Well, Art is Art, isn’t it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now you tell me what you know.

And yet intellectually I understand there is an audience for Jackass and Andrew Dice Clay.

On Tuesday (last week) damage control started-

Some more measured and thoughtful criticism-

The latest is that he stole jokes-

Milton Berle stole every joke he ever told.

Sigh.  I must admit I really want to like Trevor, just like I want to like Larry.  Larry’s show has gotten much, much better now that he’s had a chance to work out the kinks in the format (monologue, bit, panel (now only 3), Keeping it 100) and I expect the same will happen with Trevor.

And it isn’t fair for us to expect that he will be the same as Jon-

The Daily/Nightly Show (Trevor Noah)

There is of course only one topic tonight as our attention turns from College Basketball (told you the Lady Huskies would win) to other subjects and that is Trevor Noah.

I’ll spare you the tribalism of his ancestry except to note that as a South African with mixed parentage of a type forbidden under apartheid he certainly brings a different global perspective to The Daily Show

Feeling the exceptionalism?  I’m sure that’s one of the things that attracted Jon to the idea of Trevor Noah as a host.

Initial reaction was generally positive-

To over the top ecstatic-

There were some quibbles, one of which was his general lack of experience as a Daily Show correspondent (he only has 3 appearances).  Another reservation was under representation of females as Late Night TV hosts-

And whether he had the background knowledge to handle the 2016 election (frankly I’m surprised Jon didn’t wait until after, but maybe he was tired of interviewing empty chairs)-

But we were also warned that a more serious backlash might be coming-

And sure enough, there were the tweets- all 8 out of 8000 or so for a percentage of 0.01 (for the record I’ve tweeted exactly once and while I thought it was screamingly funny at the time I can’t remember what I said).

(To be continued…)

The Daily/Nightly Show (He tasks me)

Word Blerd & Knowledge College

Keep it Sleem-Glorp

The Twitter machine is singularly unhelpful tonight so your guess is as good as mine.


Deer Munchies

We are, alas, off next week.

Well, it will give me a chance to rest up and concentrate on Basketball.  Also this weekend, Sepang between 2 and 1 am starting tonight.  It’s been busy for me as I’ve had a lot of appointments and guests and have written more than a few diaries these last few weeks.

As Sam Kinison said, “It never stops.  It just never stops.”

John Hargrove is a former Orca trainer who left the profession in 2012 and was memorably interviewed just a week after his resignation fot the documentary Blackfish.  He thinks Killer Whales are not suitable for captivity.

He’ll be on to talk about his new book, Beneath the Surface.

The real news below.

The Daily/Nightly Show (Violence Against Women)


Tonight the Twitter comes through again (h/t TMC).  Our topic is Slut Shaming and our panelists are Shenaz Treasury (regular), Regina King (the voice of Huey and Riley Freeman), Sabrina Jalees (CBC personality), and Jordan Carlos (Stephen Colbert’s ‘Black Friend’).


The Jetsons

This Week’s Guests-

Amy Ziering is the producer and Kirby Dick is the director of The Hunting Ground, a documentary about college campus rape and rape culture that opened last Friday in wide distribution (well, as wide as documentaries generally get) after debuting at Sundance to great critical and audience acclaim.  After its theatical run it will be shown on CNN.

In a way this is a follow up to their 2012 film The Invisible War which was about rape and rape culture in the military.

The documentary focuses on the claim that 20% of women in colleges in the United States are sexually assaulted, and that disciplinary action only occurs in a small fraction of alleged assaults. It also claims that students are rarely expelled for rape.

There are several students who are interviewed in the film about their experiences being sexually assaulted at their college campus. They spoke about college administrators who ignore them or make them jump through hoops because they are more concerned about keeping rape statistics low.

Two of the film’s main targets were Harvard and the University of North Carolina, but they also report about fraternities such as Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

In addition, there is a section of the film about Jameis Winston (a quarterback for Florida State University) and the multiple accusations of sexual assault against him. His alleged victim Erica Kinsman publicly speaks about the incident at length for the first time.

The principal protagonists are Andrea Pino and Annie E. Clark, two former students of the University of North Carolina who were raped on campus.

Jon Ronson’s web exclusive extended interview and the real news below.

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