Laying Pipe
What did you think I meant?
Smoking is bad for you
The real news, Stephen’s rare 2 part interview with Jon Stewart, and this week’s guests below.
Dec 02 2014
Laying Pipe
What did you think I meant?
Smoking is bad for you
The real news, Stephen’s rare 2 part interview with Jon Stewart, and this week’s guests below.
Nov 21 2014
Gobble, Gobble. Is it that time of year again? Well, I could probably use the rest anyway though I’m happiest when I’m in my routine. Comedy Central will have repeats. Me? I hate to repeat myself though I might, or I could do something else, or maybe nap (though vampire-like at this time of year I have a tendency to sleep in the daytime, work in the night time, I might not ever get home, which is incredibly dysfunctional if you have to work with people but does wonders for my solitary creativity).
For the sites we will be continuing as best we can in the usual fashion because of my firm belief that nobody needs you quite as much as they do during those periods when everything else is closed. This weekend will see the conclusion of the 2014 Formula One season in Abu Dhabi and we will start putting up our Thanksgiving specials culminating in the Big Balloon Parade a week from today, and then whatever we can scrounge to see us through the Black Friday weekend when our dozens of readers are presumably greasing the gears of Amurrican ‘Free’ Market capitalism with their life blood and money. Let’s not forget the money.
And that’s one thing I am thankful for. Because of our low financial overhead I’m not perpetually in the position of coming to you as a mendicant, especially when you are sentimental and vulnerable and need that money your own damn self thank you very much.
Yeah, we’ll run ads if you want them and accept donations if that’s the kind of thing you feel you need to do to register your satisfaction with the product, but that’s not why I write.
I do it for art.
The one thing that never fails to gratify me is when you use our platform to express yourselves. What I do is mostly structure, a wall you can hang your own canvas on. The gift I would most like during this holiday period, the contribution that would have the greatest impact, is for you to decide that your voice is important; or at least important enough to be included here where the natives are mostly friendly (mostly) and I have set the bar so low you can hardly help but trip on it (have a nice fall). Exceeding expectations is not optional, it’s hard to avoid.
Over the river and through the guilt a la casa de ek vamos.
Oh, you came here for the waters? You were sadly misinformed.
Back in Black Friday
Live Free or DIE!
The Lake House is close enough to Keene that I know they’re not only famous for Pumpkin throwing riots.
The real news below.
Nov 20 2014
What about bigger do you not understand?
Off the Table
Hey Nancy? What Jon said.
The problem is not that he said it. The problem is that he thinks it. I’m serious. The core problem under the damn law is it was put together by a bunch of elitists who don’t really fundamentally understand the American people. That’s what the problem is.- Howard Dean
Reporto Gigante
The real news and this week’s guests below.
Nov 19 2014
Water, Water, Everywhere, But not a drop for the poors (ah, let’s just face it) Black People.
Bernie Sanders
The real news, Laura Poitras’ 2 part web exclusive extended interview, and this week’s guests below.
Nov 18 2014
Nov 14 2014
Nov 13 2014
Nov 12 2014
Nov 11 2014
What happened to Josie?
Spring Break
The real news, the 2 part James Risen web exclusive extended interview, and this week’s guests below.
Nov 07 2014
Hope and Changiness
All Hope is Lost
The real news, the John Cleese web exclusive extended interview, and next week’s guests below.
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