Tag: ek Politics


Simply put it’s fear of falling or heights and I have it in spades. Famously it’s the subject of Hitchcock’s Vertigo but I think that and other popular cultural depictions don’t capture the feeling as I experience it. For one thing it’s not paralyzing. If you were hanging off a precipice or should we want …

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So, What Is ‘Fake News’?

First, I want to assure you that anything you read on this site, from this author, is fake, no matter how seemingly reputable and well documented the source (The New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, CNN, MSNBC) even if it is accompanied by video or sound recordings and a transcript because, who are you going …

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Pelosi: Impeaching Trump ‘not someplace that I think we should go’ By CRISTIANO LIMA, Politico 11/05/2017 House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Sunday that even if Democrats were to retake control of the House in the 2018 elections, pushing for impeachment proceedings of President Donald Trump would not be one of their legislative priorities. “It’s …

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Bell Peppers

You don’t live to be 120+ years old (mid 30s in 1926, do the math) without being extremely fortunate which is a word we will return to. While it is easy to claim good genetics (Richard and Emily are still kicking too and more ornery than ever) the truth is that my health is not …

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Remember, Remember The 4th Of November…

Gunpowder Treason and Plot. Hey, in England it’s a big deal and I won’t claim to give any but the most biased and counterfactual summary (oh, and it’s shallow and superficial too). After Henry VIII and his daughter Elizabeth (a virgin by reputation, certainly unmarried and childless by law, filthy minded Walter Raleigh smokers shut …

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About That Tax Cut

Look, a tax cut for, as Lambert terms them, squillionaires is a bad idea on its face for many reasons (none of which are that it adds to the National Debt or Budget Deficits). $4,000 (and that’s just the average, most people get less than nothing) may seem like a lot if you express it …

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Non-canonical(and therefore heretical) the single Proper Noun designates the collective also (He is Drow. Many Drow approach.) This is hardly ever good news since they are elves and also evil (at best neutral) and have all the racial Attributes and Weapon Bonuses attending as well as additional facility with their signature hand held crossbows and …

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Indictments Night

I get all of my news from comedians. Otherwise I’d need therapy twice a day. Have You Gone Nose Blind? It’s all Hillary’s fault. Honest. Remember, she’s intimately linked with Rick and Morty’s Szechuan Sauce scandal! The Champagne of Special Councils Festivus for the rest of us


I’m sorry, that’s what Popeye calls a garage, as in Two Guys Garridge (A-gah-gah-gah-gah-gah-gah!). I yam what I yam and that’s an orange colored root best served as a vehicle for butter because it’s sweet enough without any supplemental molasses.

Lowercase “l”

While I am a trained historian (ask me about those Tang Dynasty horses, I dare you. It wasn’t even their main deal, they liked landscapes aka mountain/water paintings or shanshui) I’ve studied other subjects and had other jobs. Who hires a Historian anyway? On the old manual Royals at my journalism school (yes, I worked …

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