Tag: ek Politics

The Summary

Greg Sargent calls it a report. Democrats just made a strong case that Trump committed crimes. Now what? By Greg Sargent Washington Post 12/16/19 The case that Trump committed crimes The case the report makes is as follows. Federal statute makes “bribery” a crime if a public official “demands” or “seeks” anything “of value personally,” …

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Not a Rant

This is the one that got me?

All ek’s mas, all the time

Bothsiderism Overhyped Netflix A Carol Radisson Select Those People Hallmark Movies A Party Celebrity Bad Dog Winter Oh, news.

Lunch with a Boor

This didn’t happen to me personally, it’s kind of third hand because I know people who know people and I have no reason to doubt the person who related this story or the original source. It goes something like this. The Lady in question was temporarily displaced from the Plaza Hotel which I mention not …

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The Abuser’s Argument

I have some experience of Domestic Violence in my family and know a lot of other people who have been involved in that situation which makes a lot of sense, it’s kind of pervasive and the more aware you are the more you see, even in some interactions considered “normal”. Two words- Mika Brzezinski. Joe …

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I don’t give a stitch if I don’t get rich

C’mon guys, Rogers and Hart. I am never, ever going to watch Cats: The Movie Athens of America Red Carpet Plantation Wedding I’m gonna wash that man right outta my hair.

No Joke

The crime is soliciting personal benefit for Government (or Institutional in the fiduciary sense) action. He’s admitted his guilt in public. Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes? Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio Public Domain Condoleezza Rice More Disney Golddiggers

Proposed Articles of Impeachment

First of all, only the 2. I am very afraid that the cowardly Institutional Democrats are simply conceeding defeat, cravenly content with a mere symbolic token of resistance to the criminal treason of this regime. Were there Justice not only the Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio and his stooge Pence, but his henchmen Mukasey, Barr, Pompeo, …

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Late Night Reaction

Stephen Seth

For the Record: Day 7

Judiciary Committee Evidentiary Hearing Unindicted Co-Conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio had Tuesday availble to present any exculpatory testimony. Evidently there is none. It’s very simple really, the act of soliciting personal benefit from a Foreign National using the resources of the United States is Constitutional Bribery. He’s admitted doing it srveral times on Video Tape, in writing, …

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