Tag: Cartnoon


Adam Driver is bad casting Who wants wimpy millennial Vader anyway?


The Gilded Age


Back In Black I like Subways. They’re incredibly hot, even in winter.


Africa is like its whole own continent Second largest and second most populous after Asia, it’s only racist maps that make it seem otherwise.


Is It a Good Day For Dinosaurs? It’s always a good day for Dinosaurs. They lived then to make us happy now.


Bill and Hillary help Jordan Klepper donate to Go Fund Me charities Oh, and Hillary starts an Audio Book of the Mueller Report.


Do you know what horrors lie behind that wall? No Then you go first. Do you want to live forever? ek hornbeck’s #1 rule for surviving the Intertubz (it’s a series of trucks you know)- YOU ARE NOT YOUR AVATAR! What is best in life? Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear …

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Talking about the Census


The Theater Experience We’ve come a long way since popcorn littered lecture hall chairs and sticky concrete floors, my local Bijou is carpeted throughout and boasts one screening room with swiveling tilting Barcaloungers (yes they recline and have footrests) as well as passable Cafe Tables for your $4 Soda and $6 Hot Dog (pricier options …

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Lest we forget, Zack Morris is Trash Struck by Lightning- Season 4 Episode 1 Zack Morris, International Kidnapper- Season 4 Episode 2 Plague- Season 4 Episode 3

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