I have stuff. Lots of stuff and not just the tangible kind that you can put your hands on and touch. When I suggested to ek hornbeck that we start this site and began working on diaries that I should write to help fill the pages as we attract readers and participants here, I began by looking at some of the “stuff” in my bookmarks and went WOW, I need to “clean” out all this stuff. Then I said “Wait, I now have a place to put this “stuff” that I am about to “delete” forever into the infinity of cyberspace”.
So, I am going yo to share with you some of “stuff” that I was about to put into a “trash bin”. Some of it is kind of funny, nostalgic and some of it is sad. Much of it is going to get the reaction I had. “What were you saving that for?” Where you out of your mind?” So here goes.
Things I Learn From My Patients
I think I remember why I saved this but it’s fuzzy
When will the Proxigean Tides arrive between 1999-2020?
I have no frelling clue as to why I saved this. The first paragraph put me into a coma, about its only use since I have insomnia. I found it better than the “Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry”
Of version numbering and convergence
I am pretty sure I know why I saved this but it’s time to send it to the “trash bin”
I’m a redhead with brown eyes and I love my kitties

A game I never played but was good for a laugh when I sent it to my Republican in-laws.
My daughter had rescued pet sheep from a petting zoo. One was named “Harold”.
Never mind Crop Circles now we have Sheep Circles

Ewe must be joking: Sheep form a perfect ring in Herefordshire in a bid to copy crop circle
I have this “Cat” in my herb garden.

One more. I sent this to ek as we were banging our heads on our computers putting diaries together and the finishing touches for the “Grand Opening”. This was originally for my son-in-law. a systems analyst and admin for the UN.

Got “Stuff”?
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Where’s your “stuff”?
that said
I have a so many old bills, mail, etc saved, it would take me a solid week to go through all of it in the hope of finding one file drawer worth saving. So I continue to procrastinate.
I have cleaned up some of my computer files, like around 3GB of music I received a former friend that I would never listen to.
It’s just two of us now in the same house for the last 28 years. Neither of us needs a home computer for job related matters.
But we do have several large boxes of Voltron, Transformers, Sega and Nintendo games, and hundreds of VHS tapes in our garage just waiting for our darlings to get a house of their own. 🙂
might be my fault. I recall reading and posting about that. But I don’t remember why 🙂