(10 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
It’s a hour and 15 minutes. Which is not too far into the future, you say?
But you don’t have to watch it all. Just watch the first 8 or 10 minutes.
You may or may not decide to watch the rest of it, but I’ll bet you will, and you’ll be shortchanging yourself if you don’t.
If you watch the first half hour I’ll buy the drinks. You’ll want one.
Hat tip to Sagebrush Bob

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I think I’ll have a drink…
Hmm. Might be a little traveling but I can arrange it. 😉
I’m thinking of moving to The Queen Charlotte Islands, originally known as Haida Gwaii, planting a garden and buying a fishing rod. And watching the collapse from a safe distance 😉
you want to move to an island? As the Pacific Ocean warms and the global ice melts, sea levels are rising. An island might not be a good idea.
that I have explored in the South Pacific are mountainous. I plan on being a “beach bum” in my next career.
A lot of the trees are three hundred feet tall, and the islands are a native habitat for black bears and grizzlies. It’s deep woods wild country.
I think I’ll take my chances with palm trees and sand fleas. 😉
Beautiful area though.
a double.
He does the math really well. 😉
but it’s also the most disturbing.
later when it is “quieter”.
the first time. Later I’ll watch twice as much more. Then after that I’ll finish the video.