(10 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
For the unwashed among you, Cee Lo Green has had a hit “Fuck You”, which is about a girl dumping him for his lack of funds. Taylor Swift has had a hit “Mean”, where she tells off some mean meanie for being a meanie – it is very high school song.
I’ve listened to pop music for decades – it tells us what is going on out there among the mob of us nobodies, kind of like how the highly priced painting of a campbell’s soup can tells us how outta touch our ‘elites’ are.
These 2 songs have been popular for months – and some of the excuse making for 0bummer’s LATEST $ell out just hit me the other day – blaming fascist pigs for being pigs while your ‘champions’ sell you out is … great for the well paid ‘champions’!
These songs have been popular for months – and some of the excuse making for 0bummer's LATEST $ell out just hit me the other day – blaming fascist pigs for being pigs while your 'champions' sell you out is … great for the well paid 'champions'!
The whining about the mean meanies really reminded me of Taylor's song, "Mean". http://youtu.be/jYa1eI1hpDE "Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me, Why you gotta be so mean?"
So, of course, these despicable sell outs from the DLC – Third Way – Blue Dog – Neo Lib sliver of the Dem party, who happen to constitute the majority of those TAKING leader paychecks — they made me think of Cee Lo singing about getting dumped!
“Now I know, that I had to borrow,
Beg and steal and lie and cheat.
Trying to keep ya, trying to please ya.
Cause being in love with you ass ain’t cheap”
So, here is MY grand political strategy.
WHEN there are FDR ‘I welcome their hatred’ Democrats to vote FOR on your ballot, those are the people you do something for.
The rest – FUCK THEM!
Don’t give them a penny or a dime,
Don’t give them a second of your time,
Don’t give them your vote.
I did it in 2010 – I voted ‘Medicare ForALL’ in ALL state and federal offices, and I live in Seattle!
Guess What! The ‘Democratic’ representatives of this state are still busy repeating right wing frames and repeating obama’s bullshit about compromising with fucking fascists –
You see, just like back when I voted for the sell out sacks of shit, or the politically pathetic, like the last 8 POTUS election, I’m still getting fucking lied to and fucking sold out, ONLY – this time I didn’t vote for any of the lying fuckers!
And you all know those bullshit arguments about how NOT voting for a lessor of two evil sack of shit is the same as voting for a fascist – NO IT ISN’T!
I didn’t vote for a fucking fascist, I voted for ‘Medicare ForALL’! I know why I lost. rmm.

there was a brief chance to take back this country from corporate criminals. Americans were given some lousy choices and chose the worst because he looked and sounded good. Now dissatisfied with the choice they made are faces with no choices at all. Voting for the lesser of two evils because you are afraid is evil. Standing for our democratic principles, respecting the law, human rights is now what we must demand from our candidates. If they can’t represent our issues, then throw them out and find someone who will. It’s a bottom up process that starts locally. With Obama’s election, we are back at the bottom again and it’s going to take a couple of election cycles to turn it our way.