Occupy Wall St. Livestream: Day 12

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com


The resistance continues at Liberty Square, with free pizza 😉

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protestors Rejuvenated by Michael Moore Support

A surprised group of dedicated protestors were greeted to a morale boost on Monday evening when the well-known filmmaker and author Michael Moore came out to Lower Manhattan to talk about something he is extremely familiar with, social activism.

Moore came around 7 p.m. to New York’s Zuccotti Park where the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors have set the stage for their protest against corporate greed and its social and economic impact on the United States.

Moore told protestors, “Change has to start somewhere. Why not here?”

He added, “A lot of people, they end up… doing well and they forget about who they are and where they come from.”

Moore came at a good time, as protestors were in their 10th day of the movement and fatigue from staying outdoors was likely seeping in, especially following a weekend march where over 80 people were arrested around New York’s famous Union Square.


  1. Susan Sarandon visited OWS and compared the movement to what happened in Madison Wisconsin earlier this year.

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