Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart

Penn State Riots

“Both scenarios involved stopping it and calling the police.”

The firing of football coach Joe Paterno following news of assistant coach Jerry Sandusky’s alleged sexual abuse outrages Penn State students.


  1. Ross Douthat, a columnist for the NYT, has a typical male, right wing, Catholic view of the world and politics. Since he was hired by the Times, I haven’t found a word that he has written that I would agree with him, until now.

    The Devil and Joe Paterno

    WHEN I think about the sins of Joe Paterno, and the ignominious ending of his long and famous career, I think about Darío Castrillón Hoyos. [..]

    The best piece about Darío Castrillón Hoyos was written by the Catholic essayist John Zmirak, and his words apply to Joe Paterno as well. Sins committed in the name of a higher good, Zmirak wrote, can “smell and look like lilies. But they flank a coffin. Lying dead and stiff inside that box is natural Justice … what each of us owes the other in an unconditional debt.”

    No higher cause can trump that obligation – not a church, and certainly not a football program. And not even a lifetime of heroism can make up for leaving a single child alone, abandoned to evil, weeping in the dark.

    I weep with the children

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