Super Bowl XLVI

No complaining or explaining, we’ll get right to my prediction.  Giants win because they have defense and the Patsies don’t.

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Because it’s the American way!

In fact Super Bowl Ads are lengthening to tell a 60 second story that they can chop up and reinforce after the game.

Louise Ciccone

Super Bowl XLVI: Madonna’s dream halftime-show set

Tris McCall/The Star-Ledger

Published: Friday, February 03, 2012, 7:00 AM

There it is. No need for frippery or distraction, no room for collaboration or audience participation. Madonna has never been about those things and it would be awkward for her to start now. Instead, she could re-establish herself as a star who can control the party, wherever it may be. Even if it happens to be at the Super Bowl.


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  1. doesn’t have chutzpah.

    with the

    I think she has a knee injury right now.  Right knee.

    Oh no, this is getting very strange with the pom poms and Madonna chant.

  2. words you can’t say on tv

  3. Good for you Louise.

  4. It was friggin Madonna the wardrobe didn’t even have to malfunction. Hell doesn’t she realize all us old dudes were looking forward to a little skin?  

  5. a political message at the end.

    “World Peace”

    Well it was better than I expected.  That last number was very good.  Of course I am partial to chorales, many voices.  The black and white color scheme was impressive.

  6. What about this ad from Clint?

  7. “Its half-time, America, and the 2nd half’s about to begin…”

  8. Giants have to come out with some D

  9. a republican and a member of the SAG right?

    (Ronald Reagan was a past pres of SAG too I think)

    Interesting Chrysler commercial.  

  10. the Clint Eastwood melodrama.

  11. in the second half.  I think they were saving him in the first, knowing he is going to take some sacks, and basically to switch things up and surprise the Patsie’s defense.  Now we will see the passing game.

  12. watching for it though

    1. 2 safeties or a field goal?

  13. low growl forming

    1. to see pretty boys face in the turf I’ll have to say a couple of field goals

  14. how Baseball gets more exciting at the end and Throwball not so much?

  15. is being watched by millions of people, and does a long, slow spit, on the ground in between his knees while sitting on the bench.  All on camera.

    I mean, really.  Has he ever heard of a tissue or hankerchief?

  16. that looked like a painful shot to his shoulder

  17. 5 yards short.

  18. two nasty tackles.  One of them probably caused an injury.

    I think this is what the rest of the game will be like.  A lot of passing by the Gs and Manning is going to take a beating.  Pats pass defense looking better than advertised.

  19. Wow.

  20. Fun.

  21. TSHG is like this all the time, not just Super Bowl Sundays.

  22. leading cause of head injuries.

  23. Yeah, lets talk about something else

  24. who didn’t pay any taxes the past few years

  25. to send lobs to China on our tax dollars

  26. You don’t have to shave your head like Jason or Larry.

  27. Giants start out in good field position

  28. the barricades in that last commercial?  bunch of young people in the streets dancing, barricades in the front. Protesters representing the 2000s?  Maybe I just have OWS on the mind.

  29. might be hurt?

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