On the Moral Bankruptcy of the Democratic Party: Charlie Crist (Exhibit A)

(4 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

I lived in Florida for five years. Because I donated to and volunteered for Democrats in Florida, I find myself on about a billion different fundraising “activist” email lists. So it was no surprise to me that every Democrat running for something in Florida contacted me today to let me know that if I would just chip in $5 or $10 to help candidate X win election Y, they will “fight” to overturn today’s SCOTUS verdicts.

But when I got this email from Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist (the ex-Independent who used to be a Republican), my stomach turned:

thatsdrfreak —

This morning, the Supreme Court decided to insert an employer into a personal decision that women should be able to make without interference. Contraception could be more expensive and less available for Florida women.

It could get worse. As bad as this decision is, if Rick Scott had his way, not only would contraception not be covered in Florida — hundreds of thousands of women would lose their coverage.

Today’s decision is a harsh and unfortunate reminder that elections have consequences.

We have to protect the progress we’ve made, and we have to keep fighting for the values we share.

Giving $1 or more before our critical midnight deadline will go a long way:


God bless you,


Four years ago, back when Charlie was still a Republican, this is what he had to say about the composition of the United States Supreme Court:

Lagging in his Senate primary against conservative favorite Marco Rubio, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist was one of the first contenders to weigh in Friday, urging the president in a statement to pick someone who, “in the mold of Chief Justice [John] Roberts and Justice [Samuel] Alito, strictly interprets the rule of law and does not legislate from the bench.”

Now that he is a “Democrat”, Charlie Crist is decrying a ruling by the very people he four years ago held up as exemplars of the ideal Supreme Court justice. How did someone like this end up as the Democratic nominee for governor?

Actually, he hasn’t. Yet. The establishment has decided that he will be the nominee because he is the most “electable” (see also, Alex Sink). Establishment politicos are completely ignoring the fact that Crist has a challenger in the August 2014 primary, former state Senator (and actual Democrat) Nan Rich.

Let’s review the facts. Obama won Florida in 2008 and 2012. Incumbent Gov. Rick Scott barely won during the 2010 GOP wave. And his popularity has only fallen in Florida.

Despite having an approval rating of only 39% with 48% disapproval, incumbent Governor Rick Scott is tied with possible Democratic candidate and former Republican governor Charlie Crist at 42% apiece.

How is it possible that such an unpopular governor could be on the verge of winning re-election?

Helping Scott is the fact that Crist is also underwater with a 32% favorable rating and 48% unfavorable.

The only Democrat who can be an unpopular Republican governor in a red purple state is an equally unpopular former Republican? But the establishment knows whats best. We can’t have Democrats running as Democrats because they never win. We have to listen to the establishment, because they always pick a winner. And winning is the most important only thing.

I mean….what’s the alternative? A competitive primary? We can’t afford to have democracy when we need to be #winning!


  1. “Given the choice between a Republican and someone who acts like a Republican, people will vote for the real Republican all the time.”

    Democratic voters need to wake up

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