Big Al. Really?

Well here it is, GBCW…

My comment:

So many Voices are so tired of the Barbara Streisand that goes on here and so many have been silenced or left.  We are a diminished community for each and every one.

I will truly miss you bro…

Of  course Raptivo just had to post the “Well..Bye” vid.  What a dick.

Oops. Sorry is that DBAD?  I don’t care.  He’s a dick.


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  1. and, in his desire to become a beltway insider, took GOS on that path with him. The site is now infested with professional trolls and shills for the new corporatist Democratic Party who are allowed to stalk and harass.

    The last straw for me was the self aggrandizing Denise Oliver Velez who attacked a rape victim and stood up for the drunk male blogger who harassed that victim. That was unconscionable. Markos and Meteor Blades, another 60’s activist who has abandoned his principles for mediocrity and a paycheck, supported Velez and her relentless crew who find racism in every criticism of this neo-con president.

    BTW, “DBAD” here is considered sexist.

  2. whose reputation is well known in certain circles. He’s been doing this for more than a decade. Calling him a “dick” is insulting men. He’s a coward

  3. The environment on that gate-polishing site has become thoroughly negative and adversarial for anyone not supporting the Democratic establishment and whatever GOP positions it (and Daily Kos) choose to take.

    Sorry to see Al have to decided to leave that way, but it seems inevitable that he would have been banned eventually like most of the rest of us who crossed Lil’ Lord Kosleroy, Queen Denise, or any of the many vicious ‘bot trolls and paid Dem operatives who’ve slowly poisoned the site over the years.

    Big fat waste all around…

  4. That website has become a place for Democratic Party sycophants to worship their favorite rock-star politicians. Nothing more.

  5. and yeah, the jackals came to gloat…

    i think the year long NR they gave me for rightly HRing an insult was the best thing they could’ve done cuz it’s made me venture out of GOS and ya know – i don’t miss it much… i don’t go there very often anymore…

    don’t get me wrong – i’m still pissed about the punishment. it was not deserved, i was following their friggin rules and for that i will not acknowledge. but man, there is quite a bit more beyond GOS and there are actually grownups out there online, lol….  who knew? 😉

  6. … about a variety of places he’ll be welcome?

  7. That orange shithole gets exponentially worse and Big Al realized that. As we have sadly seen with some in this group, It’s hard enough for even friends to get along sometimes — I, of course, include myself as hard to get along with. It’s much worse when one has to mix it up with wannabe hall monitor piss porn dumbshit fuckfaces there and a moderator whom is full of orange biased BS who covers their ass but not hers as her biased text trail reveals extra hypocrisy.

    And Markos is a 1%er asshole who demeans rape survivors as being in kindergarten having a fight when one of his shills gets everyone to fall in line over anti-racist theater disguised as deo’s narcissism claiming it rules all history, issues, and data. How fucking arrogant; how fucking disgusting, what a waste of time.

    And Craptavio needs some new material. He posted that same video to me. Too bad, as I told him, he’s like Ike, huffing and puffing as if he’s Curly Bill because his oh so fragile ego needs to be validated until Wyatt Earp shows his ass.

  8. Trying to fight the warmongers, propagandists, and outright lying trolls just got to be too much.  If that’s what Marcos and MB and them want, they can have it.  Just a bunch of fake bullshit.

    But I did want to prevent myself from joining in on any further conversations, so GBCW to get banned was the obvious choice.  It worked and I’m happy. Everybody’s happy.  

    I’ll be around, I’ll drop by here now and then.  Now’s a good time for me to try to up my game so I’m exploring that.  


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