TDS/TCR (The Town of Shipwreck)


I feel pretty.  Oh so pretty.

I met the nicest EMT crew.

So who would have thought Jenny Nordberg would get two web exclusive extended interview segments?  Anyway, they’re below as well as real news and this week’s guests.

Jenny Nordberg

This week’s guests-

The Daily Show

The Colbert Report

Anthony Zinni is a Marine and there is no such thing as a retired Marine, ask one.  He is however not on active duty anymore, or paid by the U.S. Government (outside his lucrative pension) and so, just as a hobby mind you, has taken several Board of Directors positions in commpanies that are part of the Military Industrial Complex including the President for International Operations of the imaginatively named M.I.C. Industries.

You know, for all that pirates are clever-called, we are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things.


I once sailed with a geezer lost both his arms and part of his eye.

What did you call him?


Naomi Klein’s newest book is This Changes Everything Capitalism Vs. The Climate and she was active in Sunday’s Climate Action march.  She also has a recent column at The Guardian about greenwashing and how Richard Branson has delivered just $230 Million of the $3 Billion he promised (just under 1% for the innumerate) to combat Climate Change.


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