The Daily Late Nightly Show (Bernie)

You know, it seems like only yesterday I dealt with a lot of “pragmatists” who were convinced Bernie Sanders was too much of a Democrat to succeed in being elected.  That enthusiasm and motivation could never break the stranglehold of neoliberal (conservative) policies over the fundamentally center-right United States and the only hope for change (remember that?) was incremental and instead we should embrace the suck.

I’m genuinely pleased that we have 2 candidates who have blown that tired old trope out of the water.

I don’t like The Donald, I think he’s important from the standpoint of demonstrating that the D.C. Villager consensus is universally hated, even by the Republicans it benefits.  Yes he and his supporters are horrible people for the most part (though Trump is surprisingly liberal on some issues), but what it should indicate to the Plutocrats and the Politicians that support them is that Spring is fading fast in Versailles and a long hot summer of discontent with pitchforks, torches, and the National Razor is closer than they think.  Gravity is a wonderful thing.

I hear that Bernie was on the CBS morning show and and despite the open hostility of the toady class knocked it out of the park.

I’m not surprised after the Rachel interview.

I’m fairly hopeful he gets better treatment from the Late Night franchise.  Stephen’s other guests are Lupita Nyong’o, Christopher Wheeldon, and Robert Fairchild and Leanne Cope of American in Paris.


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