Keep Fear Alive

So tomorrow is Jon and Stephen’s big show and almost every estimate says that they’re going to blow Glenn Beck out of the water on crowd size.

Which is unsurprising to me because this whole ‘silent majority’ thing is bullshit.  Republicans represent the 24% of the most racist, reactionary, and ignorant Americans and the ‘Tea Party’ is it’s most fascist, Bircher, paranoid, delusional fringe.

Except for the .01%ers, the plutocrats who run it.

But they run the Democratic Party too, you can’t kid yourself, and their performance with historic majorities has been horrible.

You know, from an “electoral victory” kind of standpoint.

If you can’t fucking summon enough enthusiasm from your party base because your policies suck you deserve to lose your phony baloney jobs you miserable failures at the one thing you’re supposed to be good at- politics!

I have no sympathy at all for anyone who’s going to lose a prime Capitol Hill parking spot for their BMW.

You are watching the meltdown of the elites.  Our “best” and most prestigious Universities have produced a generation of morons who are simply not good at their jobs.

We need to fire them.

I’d like to draw your attention to this excellent diary by Translator about the melt down at a local party event in Kentucky.  My local runs projects way more complicated 6 times a year with a skeleton crew.

It is not rocket science.  If this is the best a “community organizer” can do…


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