Why IS Ronald Reagan a Hero to Conservatives?

(10 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

Rush Limbaugh chats w/me about Ronald Reagan’s legacy

Well, he’s a tax raiser, an amnesty giver, a cut-and-runner, and he negotiated with terrorists. Why is he a hero to conservatives? I don’t think you understand it.

The transcript can be read at Mike Stark’s here web site, The StarkReport


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  1. was a homophobic, racist besides being a bad actor. He was a nice looking man that could read the script and was surrounded by neo-con, so-called Christian fundamentalists.

    Reagan’s embrace of apartheid South Africa

    Despite a growing international movement to topple apartheid in the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan maintained a close alliance with a South African government that was showing no signs of serious reform. And the Reagan administration demonized opponents of apartheid, most notably the African National Congress, as dangerous and pro-communist. Reagan even vetoed a bill to impose sanctions on South Africa, only to be overruled by Congress.

    On a trip to the United States after winning the Nobel Prize in 1984, Bishop Desmond Tutu memorably declared that Reagan’s policy was “immoral, evil and totally un-Christian.” Reagan’s record on South Africa was also marked by at least one embarrassing gaffe, when he told a radio interviewer in 1985: “They have eliminated the segregation that we once had in our own country — the type of thing where hotels and restaurants and places of entertainment and so forth were segregated — that has all been eliminated.” Of course, that was simply not true, and Reagan later walked the statement back.

    Ronald Reagan cared more about UFOs than AIDS

    He often dreamed of the world coming together to battle spacemen, but never gave much thought to an actual killer

    If Ronald Reagan was a genuine UFO nutter or simply in thrall to a simplistic sci-fi plot makes no difference to me. But the fact remains that he spent a lot of time talking about spacemen. Spacemen killed, according to my estimates, no Americans, at all, during Reagan’s presidency.

    Reagan never mentioned AIDS until he was directly questioned about it in his second term, and he never gave a public statement on the epidemic until 1987, when 20,000-30,000 people had already died from it. When it came up in press briefings, it was, at first, a subject of humorous cajoling. Later, the president was advised not to say that children couldn’t catch AIDS from casual contact. Members of the Reagan inner circle attacked Surgeon General C. Everett Koop for encouraging sex education and condom use. The Centers for Disease Control was underfunded and there was never a comprehensive plan for dealing with the epidemic.


  2. most of good intentions, but when there is a picture of that mean, horrible, nasty, woman hating, gay hating, progressive hating, people hating man, I will not click on the link.

    Warmest regards,


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