Prime Time

Solid premiers including 3 episodes of Nova on PBS, Series Premier of Mr. Sunshine, and the Finale of Live to Dance.  The Middle, Better With You, and Blue Bloods have Valentine’s Specials.

I want Balboa! I want Balboa! You hear that, Old Man? You tell Balboa to come here! Nobody can beat me! You tell him what I said! And he’s NEXT! I’m gonna kill him! Nobody can stop me! You tell Balboa that! I’M COMING AFTER HIM! YOU TELL HIM!

Well, Rock, let’s put it this way. Now, three years ago you was supernatural. You was hard and you was nasty and you had this cast-iron jaw but then the worst thing happened to you, that could happen to any fighter. You got civilized. But don’t worry kid. You know, presidents retire, horses retire, Man-o-war retired. They put him out to stud. That’s what you should’ve done, retired.


You wouldn’t be able to do these awful things to me if I weren’t still in this chair.

But you *are*, Blanche! You *are* in that chair!

Dave hosts Anderson Cooper, Elton John, and Leon Russell.  Jon and Stephen in repeats from 1/31.  Conan hosts Chris Elliott, 50 Cent, and Ray Lamontagne.

(I)t’s been so long since you were out of the house I thought perhaps you had gone for a drive or something. You know I was thinking, it’s ever so long since we had a talk, you know, a real talk about the future and everything. Jane, I didn’t want you to be worried about the house, even if I do have to sell it, we’ll still be together.

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