Feed The Wisconsin Demonstrators Pizza!!

(10 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)


I just ordered 2 pizzas to be delivered to demonstrators in Madison, Wisconsin.  Rachel Maddow has the story:

You’re probably already familiar with ordering take-out food online. Some restaurants let you do it directly and others use a middle man service, but the idea is that you log on, place your order, plug in your credit card info and tell it where to deliver the food. But there’s nothing that says you have to have the food delivered to yourself. In fact, there’s nothing that says you have to even be in the same country as the food you’ve just ordered.

And so we arrive at Ian’s Pizza by the Slice where donations literally from around the world are coming into their State Street store in the form of online pizza orders to feed Wisconsin protesters. As Politico reports, “On Saturday alone, Ian’s gave away 1,057 free slices in their store and delivered more than 300 pizzas to the Capitol itself.”

You get it.  I got it.  I sent 2 20″ 3 topping pizzas to the assembled democracy demonstrators.  Join me.  It’s easy.  You go to badgerbites.com and order a pie for the demonstrators.  You know how to order for yourself.  It’s just as easy to order for others.  Go for it.  It will make you smile.

And by the way.  This does not mean that my allegiance to Pizza Bob’s in Ann Arbor has been violated in any regard.  The way I see it, when in Madison, you do like the Badgers.

simulposted at The Dream Antilles


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  1. Thanks for feeding these people.

  2. http://www.defendwisconsin.org

  3. From AMERICAblog:

    I just talked to my friend Ryan, who is in Madison with the pro-union protesters occupying the state capital building – Ryan is actually in the protesters’ war room – and they need supplies, fast. I’m asking if you folks could donate, whatever you can (even 5 bucks helps), to pay for supplies for the demonstrators, starting with water.

    You can make a donation there. ALL the money collected goes to supplies for the protesters

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