WWL Radio #101 Postcard From the Class War

Friday, March 11th at 6pm EST!

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PhotobucketTHIS MEANS WAR!!!!

We’ve been predicting this for years. Maybe not so much as prophesy, but in direct observation of how the Class War has unfolded incrementally.

There is a full frontal attack directly against American Workers going on, finally blatant enough that even the most sheepish have become enraged as 30 states introduce legislation trying to Union Bust and redirect resources from the elderly, the students, the poor and the working class directly into the hands of Big Business.

People are hitting the streets, rising up, calling for General Strikes…. how long, I wonder before the next wave of awareness hits and our citizens realize that neither Republicans nor their Democratic counterparts truly represent us anymore?

It is time, my friends, for a Worker’s Party to rise from the ashes they have made of our lives and take over.

I am now jaded enough to see the tragedies unfolding from Japan’s horrific earthquake and the tsunamis yet to come as of this writing as something that the Elites will use immediately to manipulate the market and increase their Wealth even more. They undoubtedly will scream “Financial Crisis” and use it to strip us of even more rights and assets. Remember where you heard that first, and do NOT believe them!


This is a time of hope and wonder… as I told my son last night, “Those people out there in the streets are the salvation of your future!”

Viva la revolucion!

There is much to discuss, join me tonight – Call in!

It is a VERY good day indeed to be the Voice of the Real Left.

Join Wild Wild Left Radio every Friday at 6pm EST, via Blog Talk Radio, with Hostess and Producer Diane Gee to guide you through Current Events taken from a Wildly Left Prospective….  her Joplinesque voice speaking straight from the heart about the real-life implications of the Political and the Class War on everyday American Citizens like you.

Controversy? We face it. Cutting Edge? We step over it. Revolutions start with information, and The Wild Wild Left Radio brings you the best in information and op/eds from a position that others on the Left fear to tread…. all with a grain shaker of irreverent humor.

WWL Radio: Bringing you “out there where the buses don’t run” LEFT perspective with interviews, op/eds and straight talk since January of 2009!


    • on 03/11/2011 at 15:57

    this one, and hope to God I can do it with no emergencies popping up.

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