Countdown with Keith Olbermann: Worst Persons 8.18.11

And the Bronze goes to Ray Sandoval, the New Mexico director for OFA (Organizing for America aka Obama for America) for sending out an e-mail to supporters urging them to read the pejorative laced blog post of a so-called 28 year old “activist” that bashed the left and Nobel Prize winning New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. Keith eviscerates the blog post for using 9/11 in reference to our economic woes and points out the Obama will not get reelected without us on the “Firebagger Lefty blogosphere”. So maybe they should STFU.

Just a word on Sen. Tom Coburn. Sen. Coburn is not only an embarrassment to our great democracy but as a physician. Thank you, Keith, excellent choices.


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  1. That sick rant got lots of page views for the Sheeple’s View, so they’ll keep it going or amp it up for more attention.

    And no, it won’t help Obama win next year. If he doesn’t, the writers of the Sheeple’s View will blame the firebaggers and the professional left.

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