Author's posts
Apr 07 2020
Essential Workers
Parents and other people with replacement humans in their lives (fortunately not me since I’ve no place for the leftovers) may rejoice as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand has declared the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny ‘Essential Workers’. Easter Bunny and tooth fairy are ‘essential workers,’ New Zealand prime minister says by …
Apr 06 2020
Let’s Do Some Maths, Shall We?
Even the most conservative estimates suggest that eventual exposure to Coronavirus is inevitable for 90% of the population here in the United States. Now, it’s not Pancreatic Cancer and Doctors can help but you’ll probably be very, very sick and you could die. What we are doing now with the Social Distancing is attempting to …
Apr 06 2020
So lindybeige is a YouTuber I encountered because of my interest in Medieval Warfare. Among other things he makes a compelling case that Spears are better than Swords (you can make them as long as you like, they don’t take much metal or time to produce, and you can throw them) but I can’t imagine …
Apr 06 2020
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Queen
Still kinda thinking that Acela thing is a good idea. With BoJo Hospitalized does that mean she’s a reigning Queen? Thought Cromwell settled that. And it’s not quite- I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, …
Apr 05 2020
No Sports?
Stanford vs. Wisconsin: 2019 NCAA Women’s Volleyball National Championship from January 21st. Don’t bother pretending you watched it live.
Apr 05 2020
Virtual Tourism
Been watching a lot of Gold Rush. , Not enough Open Prairie? , Over Wyoming? I don’t think I’ll ever get over Wyoming.
Apr 04 2020
Our Current War
At the turn of the 20th Century there was a huge struggle between two Industrial Titans over the fundamental nature of our Electrical Power Grid. There’s a new movie with Benedict Cumberbatch now available on PPV but I think I’ll wait until it gets posted on Netflix or HBO (waiting on Ford vs. Ferrari too). …
Apr 04 2020
Too Soon To Tell
I dunno, do you think the development of fire was good for the Chinese people?
Apr 03 2020
Here they are. Our country is now facing its worst crisis in modern history. We are in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic that could lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and infect millions of others, and we are entering an economic downturn that could be worse than the Great Depression …
Apr 03 2020
Panic Buying
Well, not quite yet. I’ve been able to restrain the impulse so far but Amazon sales are skyrocketing and that’s not necessarily a good thing. They treat their employees like crap and are driving Mom & Pops out of business faster than Sam Walton. Don’t bother looking for gloves and masks, they’re out.
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