Tag: Racism

The Week in Editorial Cartoons, Part II – Climate Change Obstructionism

Crossposted at Daily Kos and Docudharma

Nick Anderson

Nick Anderson, Comics.com, see reader comments in the Houston Chronicle

Because They Don’t Like Brown People

The Republican Racists now want to repeal the 14th Amendment to the Constitution that grants citizenship to those born on U.S. soil Why? Because they come here to “drop babies”. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to hold hearings so the “experts” can be heard. “Experts”? He means racists. The Democrats might not be the best choice for voters but the Republicans have more than jumped the shark, they are swimming with them.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Born in the U.S.A.
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

And then there is Keith and listen carefully to Jonathan Turley.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I regret that the transcripts are not available to our hearing impaired readers.

The Week in Editorial Cartoons (Part I) – Dropping the Ball

Crossposted at Daily Kos and Docudharma

John Sherffius

John Sherffius, Comics.com (Boulder Daily Camera)


Due to the unusually high number of editorial cartoons published over the past week or so (I literally have another 300+ cartoons saved), I’m going to try and post another edition of this diary by Friday, August 6th.  It something I’ve never done before.

Racism Part 2- Sex

Guys, you just have to face it.  Your ‘Y’ Chromosome is a damaged ‘X’ and you’re a deformed cripple in the genetic scheme of things.

Look at Ants or Honeybees.

Or around you.  The every day misogyny of our society is appalling.  My brother’s girlfriend (who is much younger than I, but I’m 120 years old) was watching a Doris Day movie and said “Wow!”


My experience with women as friends is that they are in almost every respect superior to my male friends.  Brighter, more sympathetic, more loyal, more tolerant.

And yet as a society we inculturate them from birth to be submissive.

Men are intimidated by women (as they should be) and motivated by vagina envy and desire seek to suppress and control them, especially their sexuality.

Thus the slut penalty.  If you’re a woman and you like sex (and I have no idea, but speaking as a man it’s pretty good for me) you’re supposed to face the 9 months and 18 years of child bearing or at least the tut-tutting of your neighbors shaking their shame fingers at you.

Well fuck that.

When I look at women I look them in the eyes and not their breasts (to the extent I can, I am a guy), and I never ever delude myself that they’re not smarter than me.

Update: Amanda Marcotte  

Racism- Part 1

“The thing a bigot most desires is the ability to express their bigotry in public and be applauded.”—  ek hornbeck

I’ve confessed elsewhere that I’m about the whitest person you can possibly know.  I can’t recall a single instance of hostility to me based on my appearance, sex, religion (or lack thereof).  I’m a Freemason, past master of my lodge, and I know how to golf and sail and wear a tux and all kinds on gentlemanly skills that befit my class and status and have been schooled, tooled, and polished.

Anyone who can’t recognize the benefit of that in contemporary American society is a moron or a liar or both.

Never had a cop pull a gun on me or been cuffed or tased.  Never worried about it.

Did worry about this-

I walked a lot in Syracuse because it was a pain in the ass to keep my car running and one day I was being overtaken by this guy.  I picked up the pace a little bit, but since I was smoking Kools at the time there was a limit to that.

Of course it also made our conversation easier when he bummed a smoke off me.

So I’m a racist.  And if you can’t look around you and see the million, jillion incidents of prejudice and bigotry in favor of white folks like me, you’re a racist too and you ought to have one of those repentance moments Glenn Beck keeps talking about.

If I were rich, I’d be a Republican.

The Week in Editorial Cartoons – Mission Accomplished

Crossposted at Daily Kos and Docudharma

Chris Britt

The Oil Crisis is Solved by Chris Britt, Comics.com, see reader comments in the State Journal-Register (Springfield, IL)


Boot ’em all out!

So….. I’m coming home today, and I get on a bus downtown heading my way. In Vancouver a large percentage of the population is Asian.

I get on the bus, and besides me and the driver virtually everyone of the 30 or so people on the bus are Asian.

In the first double seat behind the driver, under the little window sticker that says these are priority seats for elderly and handicapped persons there is a little tiny sparrow of a Chinese lady probably about 85 years old or so sitting in the aisle seat with her grocery bags, so I sit down across the aisle from her.

The bus continues on and at the next stop a fat ugly lard assed white woman about 50 or so gets on the bus who looks, with the miserable scowl on her face, for all the world like a female version of Archie Bunker but not anywhere near as good looking.

She waddles over to the little Chinese lady across from me and motions for her to move over. There is silence on the bus. Chinese lady looks at her and turns sideways in the seat to let Archie in to the window seat.

Archie starts shouting “I’m not sitting in there – shove over or move! Move!

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