Tag: Meta

Rant of the Week: Keith Olbermann – 2016 Horror Flick

It’s great to have Keith Olbermann back even it’s only on You Tube courtesy of GQ magazine. The Closer started this week with four videos. The latest compares Donald Trumps candidacy to oddball political candidates in movies of yore, including The Dead Zone, The Manchurian Candidate, and of course, Citizen Kane. Great to have you …

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True Confessions

I have a confession. I have a subscription to the New York Times. I get the paper delivered on Saturday and Sunday. With that I get unlimited internet access. I used to have it delivered daily. In truth, I very rarely read the print edition, or do the Sunday crossword, nor does anyone in my …

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Bad day for content.

It was rainy and windy as you might expect with a hurricane parked on your doorstep and knowing it was coming lent a certain manic energy to yesterday’s celebrations that had to be repaid. Still, I’ve worked through those kinds of things before. No, what put the capstone on this particular event is that my …

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Rant of the Week: Steven Colbert – Werd: Double Vision

Nothing stops Stephen Colbert from being Stephen Colbert. If GOP presidential nominee Donald Trumps “hardening” and “softening” stance on immigration has evoked images that are not safe for family or work, Stephen takes it one step further with his latest Werd comparing t to Electile Dysfunction and Anthony Weiner’s latest Twitter escapades.

Rant of the Week: John Oliver’s Message to Donald trump

The host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” John Oliver has a message for GOP Presidential nominee Donald Trump – Drop Out

Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert – The Werd: What the “F”

“The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert roasted GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump with a new The Werd.

Rant of the Week: Jon Stewart Takes Over Stephen Colbert’s Desk

There are no other political commentators and satirists like Jon Stewart and real Stephen Colbert, not the restrained host of the”Late Show.” Jon Stewart returns to add his view on the RNC nomination of real estate huckster Donald trump for president. Don’t stay away, Jon. We really need you now.

Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – Things You Don’t Know

In the tradition of many magazines host of HBO’s “Real Time,” Bill Maher enumerates the 25 things you don’t know about the candidates. He has already done Hillary, Bernie and Ted Cruz. Now it is Donald Trumps turn.

Happy 240th Birthday, USA

In a web exclusive, John Oliver, host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” wished us a Happy July 4th and explains, as only a Brit could, what America has missed since “unceremoniously kicking Britain out 240 years ago.” “But the thing Americans are really missing out on is pessimism. Americans are optimistic people who believe the …

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Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – Laboratories of Democracy

Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time,” roasts the insane Republicans for their failed experiment in democracy by cutting taxes by pointing out that it has been liberal policies in states like California that made that state the seventh largest economy in the world. The results of the experiment are in: ” our mice are …

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