Tag: Community

Dispatches From Hellpeckersville-He’s A Little You

Yesterday I spent a good portion of my day sitting in a room on the sixth floor of the Wood Building, at CHOP’s Department of Neurology. Ever since Baboo was born, right up to the present, in so many ways, I’ve been told–he’s a little you. And right up until now I’ve always found that to be a pretty cool thing, but now my kid has migraines, and they’re getting worse.

Dispatches From Hellpeckersville- Dreaming

On Black Friday my head was killing me. I had promised Cleetus and Baboo that I would tackle making stromboli at home, just as soon as my dough thawed, which was still several hours away, so I laid on the sofa and before I knew it, I was dreaming. This was odd because I don’t dream anymore, or I most likely do, I just don’t remember them, probably due to the medications I take.

Dispatches From Hellpeckersville-Thankful

This week I thought I’d write about what I’m thankful for, before I have to cook tomorrow, and I’m still feeling it. The days of mimosas or a glass of wine or five to take me through Thanksgiving Day are long past, so by the time I get dinner on the table what I’m mostly feeling is tired and sweaty, but don’t tell anyone, I put my happy face on. I’ll even engage in after dinner activities, once the damn football is done with. We usually play games, and I have a new one lined up for this year.

The Very Model Of A Pro Obama Partisan

With apologies to Gilbert & Sullivan~

Optional Musical Accompaniment To This Post


I am the very model of a pro-Obama partisan

Pragmatic in appeasement I really am a Vichy Dem!

I know all of the talking points I’m not afraid of spouting them

from deficit to HCR no arguments abouting them

I’m very well acquainted, too, with matters electorial

Use of information anecdotal and historical

Call me out on this and I will swiftly hand you snottiness

And overwhelm you with my very botti botti bottiness!


And overwhelm you with his very botti botti bottiness

And overwhelm you with his very botti botti bottiness

And overwhelm you with his very botti botti botti bottiness!


I’m awfully good at spin, I do insist on positivity

The plan, the facts be damned – I order you to go GOTV

In short, it matters not the issues or just where he stands on them

I am the very model of a pro-Obama partisan!


In short, it matters not the issues or just where he stands on them

He is the very model of a pro-Obama partisan!


The proper way to speak of him is always deferential

Those who come to praise him get the treatment preferential

My diaries range in scope from peppy rally to pictorial

Your comments welcome, but policed by those with rules dictorial

I’ll say that I’m a liberal while I act authoritarian

I claim the voice of reason while I speak like a contrarian

I shout down all debate with snide remarks about maturity

Take note of your ideals and thank you kindly for your purity!


Take note of your ideals and thank you kindly for your purity

Take note of your ideals and thank you kindly for your purity

Take note of your ideals and thank you kindly for your purity!


I can derail a thread with questions-mostly disingenuous

I do the verbal do-si-do with logic leaps most strenuous

In short, it matters not the issues or just where he stands on them

I am the very model of a pro-Obama partisan!


In short, it matters not the issues or just where he stands on them

He is the very model of a pro-Obama partisan!


In fact there is no act that I cannot quickly rat-ion-al-ize

No point I can’t dismiss or instantly infantilize

Here I say we must unite! to clear firebaggers from this place

Get in line, clap harder, now! or you never were “the base”

When I have learnt what progress has been made in dem blog politics

When I know more of tactics than a bunch of rapid response dicks

In short, when I’ve a smattering of elemental strategy

You’ll find no better pro-Obama bot that’s bottier than me!


You’ll find no better pro-Obama bot that’s bottier than he

You’ll find no better pro-Obama bot that’s bottier than he

You’ll find no better pro-Obama bot that’s botty bottier than he!


For my loyalty to man above both party and society

Blind faith up to the point where one must question my sobriety

And still it matters not the issues or just where he stands on them

I am the very model of a pro-Obama partisan!


And still it matters not the issues or just where he stands on them

He is the very model of a pro-Obama partisan!

Dispatches From Hellpeckersville- Missing Mom redux

Four years ago I wrote a piece for Chronic Tonic about missing my Mom, who is still here, by the way. In that time she has deteriorated a great deal. She no longer enjoys teevee, or knows what playing cards are for, let alone her poker hands. Hell, she doesn’t even really know me, but she does I’m something to her, she still loves me, and I her. But she’s been keeping me pretty busy so without further ado, I am re-running that piece, for those who may have missed it.

Party at SHG-That Reminds Me

This week at the Party we’re going to do something a little different. Instead of telling you what theme to post to, you tell me something. You tell me what the song you’re posting reminds you of or makes you think about. Okay? Okay!

This one reminds me of being 14 or 15 years old and sleeping out in the summertime, and running around the neighborhood at night. Mostly just meeting up with our friends, smoking, and playing cards, but our moms would have been plenty pissed off.

Dispatches From Hellpeckersville-Tooth-hurty

I’ve said many times that one of the true dividing lines in this country, and it’s becoming ever more evident is our teeth. I broke part of one of my back teeth over the weekend and I spent the next couple days alternately contemplating financing an extraction and praying for death. I haven’t had dental insurance in years.

Party at SHG- The Last 25

Hey there, Partiers! Tonight’s party will feature any and all tunes from the past twenty-five years. Whatever you like, as long as it’s from then til now~

Take Me To Church

Dispatches From Hellpeckersville-Put The White Gloves Away

When you come to visit at chez triv, I really do hope that you came to see me, because the house is in no shape for company. We’re an overcrowded house, and in our case, that means a cluttered one as well. We have up to four people on a computer in our dining room at a time. Me on a laptop on the dining room table, the same table that occasionally plays host to two sewing machines. Sewing machines that live in a corner when not in use. Seriously, there’s no room for anything.

I am constantly donating and throwing things away, but it doesn’t seem to make a dent. It’s not dirty, it’s just clutter, but I now realize why my mom used to freak out at us, and I don’t have the child-power here to put to work that she did. There were four of us all clamoring to get out of the house on a Saturday morning. I do not have that. I have Cleetus, who does the heavy cleaning, and Baboo, who straightens up, and does the dishes.

Dispatches From Hellpeckersville- The Trial Of Tryouts

Yesterday Baboo auditioned for his school musical. Now, he’s no stranger to the stage, we’ve had him in a couple of junior theaters and he’s done well, he has some experience. At the last place he attended he played the Beast in Beauty and the Beast, their version of Scar in a Lion King type production, and the Wells half of Wells and Fargo in a musical about the gold rush, but school productions are different. I tried to tell him to do the best he could, but be prepared to not get a part, or at least not more than chorus, possibly to be just on the stage crew.

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