Tag: Community

Party at SHG-80s Night

It’s 80s night here at the SHG, Party People! Anything from the 80s that you like, go for it. Just the tunes, not the clothes~

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Dispatches From Hellpeckersville-52

Birthdays, you know, they’re a double edged sword as you get older. Sure, you’d rather have them than not, but 52? When the hell did that happen? Of course, I no longer have any lines in my forehead, but what does that matter at this stage of the game in this podunk town? I’ll give you a little hint–it doesn’t. I do get a kick out of people pointing it out though, it cracks me up. Because they must enter my abode to see it, it’s not like I go anywhere, but I guess if I were doing it for cosmetic reason I would have done it ten years ago.

Truth be told, I don’t feel any wiser either. One would think that after a half century of living I’d have some sage advice rattling around in this head of mine, but one would be wrong. The best advice I can give anyone is: Don’t ask me! I’ve made more mistakes than one could shake a stick at, and that’s the truth. I’m not even clear on the origin of the idiom “shake a stick at” as far as I can tell it had something to do with herding goats, but don’t take my word for that, I could very well be wrong.

More mature? Not likely. Unless we’re talking about gray hair, and I can always dye that. But if you’re looking for the person who still can’t contain their inappropriate laughter in any situation without biting down painfully on the insides of their cheeks, here I am. That’s right, there’s always going to be that adolescent kid in the corner of the locker room of my mind snickering away at the least little thing, and honestly? I’m good with that.

And this year I did kind of make out like a bandit. I got a new sewing machine, which may not sound like the end all be all to some, but me and my older kid are having a great time with it. I’m teaching him how to sew. I think he’s doing a great job with it too…

not too shabby for his first project, huh? My heart is bursting with pride~

So, no, I don’t eagerly anticipate the birthday like I did when I was a kid anymore, but I’ve got a chocolate cream pie with my name on it in the fridge, and like I said–having a birthday sure beats the alternative~

Party at SHG-All The Young Dudes

Hello again, Party People. This week at the Party it’s all about the dudes. We’ll be featuring tunes by male artists and groups. Any little thing that tickles your fancy~

All The Young Dudes

Dispatches From Hellpeckersville- Weather Woes

The dampness is killing me! No kidding, I am achy all over. I knew I was having a moderate flare at the beginning of the week, but I just took some pills and went about my business. I have a pretty good support system here at chez triv, no heavy lifting required, so I figured all would be well, but last night I made a horrible blunder without even realizing it.

Dispatches From Hellpeckersville-Sick

Well, my dear friends, the sewing project with the kid did not happen. Instead, what happened was this: I got sick. And not just any sick, gut-wrenchingly, pain approaching childbirth levels sick. It was not pretty.

Dispatches From Hellpeckersville- Teaching My Boy To Sew

I’m pretty sure I’ve said so elsewhere, but I’m happy to say again, that back when we used to make things in this country, I was a sewing machine operator. My first real job was at a shoe factory, and I loved that job. I’ve also worked at a cashmere sweater factory, making ladies suits and a drapery shop. After the actual factories closed, I got a heavy duty sewing machine and over the years I’ve made everything from costumes to crafts with it, but in the past few years I haven’t pulled it out much, mostly to hem.

That was the case last week, as my boy’s jeans were all two inches too long and I don’t do jeans by hand. So, out comes the beast and I get ready to wind a bobbin, when I notice I have an audience. I tell the kid I don’t need him yet, in fact, if he just gets me the pants he has that are the right length, I can measure by that. He gets me the pants, but he doesn’t go anywhere, I figure of course he’s curious, I never pull the machine out anymore. But it’s more than that, he wants to know if can help, he wants to know if he can run the machine.

Party at SHG- Let Me Count The Ways

Hey there Party People! Tonight’s Party is all about numbers or anything even loosely related to them, counting, time, years, any little thing that strikes your fancy, y’all know my roolz, play what you like~


Dispatches From Hellpeckersville-Gutted

I should be happy today, Pa’s medical mj bill was finally passed by the state senate…I am happy for the select few it helps, you see, yesterday the bill was amended and Reefer Madness ruled the day.

Only ten medical conditions remain “acceptable” illnesses, while 30 or so more are not. Why? Your guess is as good as mine.

marijuana bill passes committee, heading for full Pa. Senate vote tomorrow

By Christina Kauffman |pennlive.com

on September 23, 2014 at 3:01 PM

The original bill enabled patients to use a vaporizer to inhale medical marijuana, but Folmer said there was a “fear that it was a sneaky way to smoke it.”

All non-smoking methods, including an oil-based orally administered treatment for children with intractable epilepsy, remain in the bill.

The number of conditions for which medical marijuana could be prescribed has been narrowed from about 40 to about a dozen.

Those still on the list include epilepsy, cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury and post-concussion syndrome, multiple sclerosis, severe fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s Disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Those removed from the list include AIDS, HIV, diabetes, migraine headaches, Tourette Syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, and Crohn’s Disease.

So, thirty conditions just tossed away, I have to wonder how they arrived at that. How they weighed it out, did they weigh it out? The risks and long term damage of so many prescription medications– overdose, addiction, liver and kidney damage, stomach ulcers, the list goes on, can anyone say the same of marijuana? The stroke of the pen looks so casual, did the person writing even give a thought to those affected as they went down the line with a yes or a no?

Medical marijuana in Pa. by PennLive


Dispatches From Hellpeckersville- Hey, I earned these lines.

I’ve waited years and years to for the Botox migraine. First for the FDA to approve it, and then to have some insurance that would cover it for me. So when I finally got that call last week I almost cried. When they first approved it’s use, it wasn’t covered at all, and even after some insurers starting covering it, mine sure didn’t. I finally got a doctor who got my insurance to cover it. OMG.

Party at SHG-Favorite Females

Hello again, Partiers, and welcome to another fabulous Friday here at SHG. Tonight is ladies night and you know what that means–all men are welcome to post, but we’re only posting tunes by female artists. So without further ado…

Gold Dust Woman

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