Tag: Politics

The Russian Connection: Shoes are Dropping Fast

The Special Counsel Robert Mueller is moving right along. Former Trump campaign manager Paul Maanfort had come to a bail deal that acceptable to the court and Mueller’s office. Problem is that these guys have such huge egos they think they can flout the rules: Former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was, as recently …

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The Russian Connection: Flynn Admits He Lied

Late last night, the New York Times reported that Donald Trump had approached senior Republican senators over the summer asking them to end the investigation of his campaign’s connection to Russian meddling in the 2016 election. President Trump over the summer repeatedly urged senior Senate Republicans, including the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, to …

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The Russian Connection: Too Much Evidence

In her op-ed at the New York Times Michelle Goldberg wrote Three months ago, The Washington Post reported that even as Donald Trump ran for president, he pursued plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. The next day, The New York Times published excerpts from emails between Felix Sater, a felon with ties to …

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The Russian Connection: More Turkey, Please

It was announced yesterday by federal prosecutors in New York that Iranian, Turkish billionaire Reza Zarrab had plead guilty to charges that he had violated US sanctions against Iran and would testify against his co-defendent. Zarrab’s plea deal was unsealed, and he admitted to seven charges listed in a superseding information filed in the case …

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The Russian Connection: Flynn, Russia and Turkey

It was reported a couple of weeks ago that Turkish gold trader Reza Zarrab, who is under indictment for violating US sanctions on Iran along with three others, had been released from the Metropolitan Correctional Facility in Brooklyn and has completely disappeared. The FBI has stated that Mr. Zarrab is still in their custody but …

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The Russian Connection: A Clear Case of a Serious CRS

On Tuesday, once again Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions faced a congressional committee hearing to reconcile his previous statements about comments he has made regarding the investigation into the Russian interference into the 2016 election. And once again, he suffered from a sever case of “I can’t recall recall” which is also known as the …

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The Russian Connection: Don Jr. and Julian Affair

Yesterday in The Atlantic, Julia Ioffe discussed the private messages that were exchange between Donald Trump Jr. and the head of Wikileaks, Julian Assange that started during the campaign last Summer and continued until this past July. The messages, which The Atlantic obtained, were turned over to Congress as part its investigation into Russian interference …

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John Oliver : The Lasting Consequences of the Troll President

Last night John Oliver, host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” gave an insightful dissertation on the techniques that Trump and his followers have used to undermine norms of governing and how Americans talk about ideas. Allowing Trump’s techniques to spread to other politicians and media outlets so that it becomes the pervasive doctrine of the …

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The Russian Connection: The Turkish Kidnap Plot

Another shoe may be about to drop in the probe of the Trump administration and Russian involvement in the 2016 elections. On Sunday, a report by NBC News revealed the Special Counsel Robert Mueller III has enough evidence to indict Trump’s former national security adviser, General Michael T. Flynn and his son Michael G. Flynn. …

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The Day After The Backlash (Up Date)

A lot of people are waking up today with hangovers, some for good reasons, some for not such good reasons. The unexpected route of Republicans by substantial margins in Virginia’s election last night had even left leaning pundits amazed but definitely smiling. No one had predicted the margins by which Ralph Northam and his Democratic …

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