Tag: Politics

Death and Taxes

Donald Trump really wants you to die so he can give his billionaire buddies tax cuts. The failure of the Republican lead congress to come up with a plan to kill the Affordable Care Act really put a crimp in that plan. After their bill couldn’t even make it to the House floor, Trump decided …

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The Russian Connection: Carter Page FISA Warrant

Remember Carter Page? The Trump’s foreign policy advisor who they denied hiring or even knowing; who admitted that he was Male #1 in an FBI investigation of a Russian spy ring; and was closely affiliated with the Russian energy company Gazprom. Page’s problem’s with the FBI just got a lot worse. FBI obtained FISA warrant …

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The Inept Administration’s Antisemitism

You really have to work hard to be as inept as the Trump administration. Yesterday’s press conference with Sean Spicer at the helm was a prime example. In an attempt to condemn Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for attacking a village with Sarin gas, Spicer compared him to Hitler but not how you would thing and …

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The Russian Connection: Blackwater

In a recent article, the Washington Post revealed that the founder of Blackwater, a for hire mercenary group, Erik Prince, had a secret meeting in the Seychelles Islands with a Russian representative arranged by the United Arab Emerites to broker a backchannel between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The meeting took place around Jan. …

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The End of the Tunnel

The 100 year old cloture rule that required 60 votes to pass bills and confirm judges and many of the president’s appointments may be in its final death throws. It came into formal existence just before World War I when several senators objected to a bill that would have armed American merchant marine vessels. Senator …

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The Russian Connections: Spies Like US

In the her opening segment last night MSNBC host Rachel Maddow covered two stories that outlined Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner new responsibilities and a former foreign policy advisor, Carter Page meeting with Russian spies. The latter report is not speculation. Page actually admitted to Buzz Feed News that he had been in contact with at …

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The Conspiracy To Deceive Is Not Going Well

Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive. Sir Walter Scott And what a tangled web Donald Trump has woven for himself. This all started with a lie in a tweet to deflect the news media, the FBI and two congressional committee from investigating the possible collusion of his campaign with …

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The Russian Connection: A Family Affair

Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has a new unpaid job. He will now be in charge of everything as head of he newly created Office of American Innovation, which will now free Trump to golf as much as he wants. He will head a “SWAT” team of former business executives to overhaul government from top …

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Trumpcare Is Dead

We did. We the people sent the message to our representatives not to mess with our healthcare. People called their offices by the tens of thousands to tell them not to vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act. We saw through the GOP scam to take health insurance away from people who need it most …

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The Russian Connection: Surveillance and Incidental Collection

Yesterday, the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), went to the White House to disclose classified information that he was given by an unknown source with regards to the investigation into the Trump administration’s Russian connection. To say this was highly irregular is an understatement. Nunes has absolutely no experience in …

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