Tag: Politics

Resistance: No Ban, No Fear. We Stand With All Immigrants

Trumps surrogates tried to explain away his executive order banning people from seven countries with majority Muslim populations. Insisting that this was not a Muslim ban former NYC Mayor Rudolph “A noun a verb and 9/11” Giuliani told Fox News commentator Jeanine Piro that Trump asked him to find a way to legally ban Muslims, …

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The Resistance: #ResistTrumpTuesday

The election of a man with multiple personality disorders to be the highest office in the United States, the huge turnout for Woman’s March on Washington and its sister marches has inspired Resist Trump Tuesdays to protest this repugnant man and his anti-democratic policies. This past Tuesday there were over 10,000 people at Senate offices …

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Resistance: Growing Roots – Indivisible

Anyone with a good memory remembers how quickly the Tea Party movement took rose after the election of President Barack Obama. on January 21, the day after the inauguration of a new president, over 100,000 women (and a few good men) will converge on Washington, DC to make their voices heard. This started with just …

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Wading Deeper In The Muck

In the cover of darkness, behind closed doors, the House Republican voted to cripple the Office Congressional Ethics (OCE) by making it accountable to the very people they are charged to investigate. Less than 24 hours before the House convenes and votes on its rules for the 115th Congress, Republicans adopted an amendment Monday night, …

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Pondering The Reasons and Sources Of Hacks

What is hacking in the first place? It is the use of a computer to gain unauthorized access to data and systems. Plain and simple, it is espionage, spying. It is illegal. Besides the hacking for personal information to steal credit card and from bank accounts, it is done by countries to spy and disrupt …

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Ignoring Our Risk

Remind me how many people died the last time a president ignored the presidential daily briefing. Donald Trump Is Gonna Get Us Killed by Michael Moore A week has gone by since Donald Trump admitted he’s only been to “two or three” of his daily presidential national security briefings. There have been 36 of them …

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Has The Extortion Already Begun?

Has possible extortion of Donald Trump by foreign governments already begun? No, not the alleged Russian hacking of the DNC e-mails and speculation that Russian President Vladimir Putin is manipulating Trump with undisclosed hacked information, although that is pretty bad. This is about Turkey, China and the Philippines where Trump has extensive business interests. Last …

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You Can’t Say You Weren’t Warned

As we’ve reported here, the Republicans want to privatize Medicare by issuing vouchers to seniors to buy health insurance on the open market. Emboldened by the election of Donald Trump, who campaigned on not touching Medicare or Social Security, and the nomination of Representative Tom Price (R-GA) to head HHC, the House put forth a …

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A White Supremacist By Any Other Name

A white supremacist by any other name is still a white supremacist. So let’s stop calling them by the white washed name they created. These people are Nazis who believe, as the the Nazis did, that the white race is superior to everyone. the media and the internet needs stop using euphemisms to be politically …

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Of Shoes And Ships And Sealing-Wax

The government may be facing a shutdown by the Senate Democrats and with good reason. It seems the House Republicans, in passing a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government operational through April 2017, removed two provisions that could result in a filibuster in the Senate. Those provisions would protect the health coverage of retired …

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