Tag: TMC Politics

True Confessions

I have a confession. I have a subscription to the New York Times. I get the paper delivered on Saturday and Sunday. With that I get unlimited internet access. I used to have it delivered daily. In truth, I very rarely read the print edition, or do the Sunday crossword, nor does anyone in my …

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2016 Primaries: State and Local

Bet you thought the silly season ended with the last presidential primary. Wrong. It just continues at the state and local levels. Yesterday Arizona and Florida held theirs. Here are some the more notable results. Arizona: Republican Sen. John McCain has also won the primary race for his Senate seat. His main opponent in this …

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Charter Schools: Failures At Education

Many people recognized, particularly teachers’ unions, from the start that Charter Schools are a sham and a tax payer rip off with little or no accountability to the public or the parents. Despite the publicity about children being dropped from these schools because of learning disabilities or alleged disciplinary problems and fudged statistics about their …

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Not Going Gently Into That Good Night

Last Thursday night Comedy Central’s “The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore” signed off for the final time with its host making the promise that he would be back. The show opened conversations on topics that are rarely discussed on network or cable often making us wince but none the less truthful and important. As the …

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Trump Suggests A Second Amendment Solution To Clinton Presidency

Today in an appearance in South Carolina, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested to the crowd that “the Second Amendment people” might be the only ones who can take action against a Clinton presidency. In a speech at the University of North Carolina, Trump suggested gun owners could take Clinton out in order to prevent …

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From Sheer Lunacy Back To Just Insanity

After a disastrous week the GOP presidential candidate, alleged billionaire, Donald Trump introduced his economic advisors, a veritable who’s who of what’s wrong with the US economy as pointed out by economist RJ Eskow. Trump’s team isn’t just monochromatic and male. At least four, and perhaps as many six, of the men are billionaires. They …

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Money, Money, Money

It’s all about the money. Follow the money. Show me the money. American elections have always been about the money and who has the most. The system has made it very expensive requiring candidates to spend massive amounts of time courting millionaires and corporations to donate to their campaigns. Senator Bernie Sanders raised millions with …

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The Nuclear Option (The Real One)

There has been a lot of talk, especially on MSNBC, and controversy over the veracity of a report by MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” host Joe Scraborough, that back in May of this year, the GOP presidential nominee contender Donald Trump had a “security briefing.” Scarborough alleged that during that briefing Trump asked, three times, since the …

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Hillary Clinton Accepts Nomination To Be President

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accepted the nomination od the Democratic Party to be the first woman President of the Untied States. Introduced by her daughter, Chelsea, she strode out onto the stage to deliver a strong, positive speech about who she is and what she would do for America as its president. At …

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2016 Democratic National Convention Day 4

Tonight is Hillary Clinton’s night as she makes history as the first woman to be nominated to be President of the United States by a national party. Last night, President Barack Obama painted the image of two America’s, the one he knows and the dark, divided country that Donald Trump imagines. He carefully laid out …

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