Prime Time

Keith.  Rachel may not be back from her taping with Dave.  The Boys.

Shark Week mostly reminds me of Gary Condit and Hair on Fire Presidential Daily Briefings after which I started to get all radicalized and unfit for polite company.

Back in Junior High School my English teacher was obsessed by this film, thought it was the best movie ever made and we spent about 3 weeks analyzing the script in independent study groups where I had the good fortune to be in the same one as my bespectacled and brilliant object of desire.

Needless to say I don’t remember much about it but as I recall we hardly talked about Kurosawa at all.


Dave has Michael Cera, Rachel Maddow, and Herbie Hancock.  Jon has Will Ferrell, Stephen Laura Ingraham.  Alton does punch.  Viva Los Muertos!


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