Prime Time

Keith, Rachel and plenty of them.  More repeats from Dave.  We have Boys.

I have beefs with Alton’s treatment of lobster, there is no reason at all to snoot the Roe and Tomalley or do anything other than steam it and serve with butter and lemon.  He does have a good technique for extracting the minor claw meat.


On Jon Arcade Fire perform.  This is the first time I remember live musical guests.  I don’t think it worked for SCTV (and I like The Tubes) and I don’t think it works for Jon OR Stephen.

Oh, he has Chuck Close.

Alton does spices.  The Buddy System- Tim-Tom and Kevin.

Yahoo TV Listings


  1. It’s a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.

    Yeah, well, I guess they had it coming.

    We all got it coming, kid.

  2. getting to watch Jon and Stephen from last night. I was busy chatting with a friend.

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