Prime Time

A fair number of broadcast premiers.  Tonight’s playoff action on TBS, Yankees @ Twins, Braves @ Giants.

As a capitulation (since I haven’t yet) Rangers are poised to take down the Rays in 3 straight with a 2 nothing lead and dominating performances (5 – 1. 6 – 0). Phillies no hit the Reds (Don Larsen, who is still alive, sent congratulations).  Braves haven’t been tested against the Giants yet.  The Yankees Win!  Theeeeeeeeee Yankees Win!  Seriously, the Twins are outclassed here.

My predictions?  Rangers over Rays, Phillies over Reds, Braves over Giants, Yankees over Twins.  Yankees over Rangers, Phillies over Braves.  Phillies.

There, I’ve said it.


Dave has Stephen Colbert performing against himself, Johnny Knoxville, and Gorillaz.  Jon has Naomi Watts, Stephen Davis Guggenheim.  No Alton.  No Boondocks.


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