ek’s return

A Dream to Some…

Frankly I’m surprised that anyone noticed my unexpected absence.  After all, people write for their own reasons and start and stop according to their muse and circumstance.  The only thing I ever expected from blogging was a place where I could express my opinions without being afraid to let it slip I was a Democrat.

That was 6 years ago last April Fools Day and much has changed.

I must admit I haven’t missed it.  I have other interests in the real world where in certain rooms there’s an obligation to give me a standing ovation when I enter so my ego is quite robust.  I’ve been developing my writing in other directions which you can see on display (when I’m not otherwise distracted by my narcistist vanity reflection) at The Stars Hollow Gazette and DocuDharma.

As the only active original founder (number 9, #9, no. nein) I assure you the editorial direction of DocuDharma has not changed a bit since it’s inception in September of 2007.  We still accept and feature fiction, poetry, and conspiracy theories in addition to the most scurrilous facts.  We expect our readers to be able to tell the difference.  No I/P ever without prior approval.

In October/November 2010 buhdydharma announced his intention to abandon the site and I urged TheMomCat to assume ownership, which she did partly to maintain the historical record (Armando’s "They All Disappoint" appeared first on DocuDharma and still links there, thanks Armando) and partly because she thinks it gives Authors a place of prominence to post their pieces when many of them are prevented from doing so in other places.

We feature 9 or 10 contributions a day including regular features by some Authors familiar to me like mishima, Robyn, Translator, david seth, and BruceMcF as well as other more occassional works.

Almost exactly a year ago, on July 4th 2010, TheMomCat and I established The Stars Hollow Gazette.  This site has developed into a News, Sports, Entertainment, and Opinion publication, but while the content so far reflects mostly TheMomCat’s and my input, we’re more than willing to promote random or regular member submissions.

Regularity and Scheduling

I am a firm believer that there is nothing sadder than an empty blog with no new content.  To me it’s a demise of a vital part.  Yeah, people will visit out of sentiment or through links as long as you’re willing to pay for the hosting, but there comes a point when there is no reason to tune in.

New content is vital to a successful blog.

If you run a single hander and you’re convinced you’re just as good as Glenn Greenwald you can get away with his publishing schedule.  Even Taylor Marsh is now publishing like Atrios.

At least daily is the minimum, otherwise why do I have you in my bookmarks?  Yes, you can take weekends off, personal days too.  Robert Reich is taking 3 weeks.

For a “Community Blog” of the SoapBlox variety you have to post at least 3 times a day.

  • Morning
  • Noon
  • Night

These do not have to be earth shattering threads of cataclysmic importance.  Far from it- the more trivial and formulaic the better because you have to fill your time if you want to be Network 23 daily.

Your ‘regular’ framework appears at ‘regular’ times to drive traffic with ‘new’ content and you hang more muse driven pieces around it.  People will be motivated to visit to catch your Cartnoon (not really as simple as it seems) or Evening Edition when they know they will be posted.

I also write about other things which I’m not ashamed to express in public.

Forwards, not Backwards

Much has changed.  The song remains the same.  I stand behind everything I’ve ever written.

There are subjects I don’t care to discuss anymore.  I consider them proven and denialists, flat earthers, and other conspiracy theorists have nothing to contribute and are best ignored as the Good Germans they are.

You can’t expect the 18,000+ comment a year kind of volume I used to generate nor am I willing to manage any franchises not related to my primary sites- The Stars Hollow Gazette and DocuDharma.  I’m happy to fill in on a temporary basis… sometimes.

I’m a busy guy.  Three to five pieces a day.  I intend to digest them (actually doing that already, but it’s another diary) so that if you want to read you can.  Your reaction is up to you.

I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to the individuals who’ve supported me through this transition. Truthfully, I can’t understand why.  Whatever minor encouragement I’ve provided has been more than repaid simply by your toleration of my tedious ramblings.

Your voice is important.  It needs to be heard.  The best way to learn how to write is to read good writers and write yourself.  I consider it a public service to provide you a platform.

I try and direct your eyeballs to items of significance on which I expect you to expand.  When I’m successful details emerge I had not considered and your confidence increases.  Real leadership is developing the skills of others.

Continual inspiration is difficult to achieve, reliance on rote much easier (but its utility is not to be

denied).  Without your personal contribution to political dialog nobody knows what you think.  You may feel nobody gives A Rat’s Ass.

Stop that.  I care.

I won’t be a stranger (well, any stranger than usual) and I hope you won’t be either.  I’m excited by the prospect of resuming our conversations and I’m eager to learn how your perceptions have evolved.  Please feel free to stop by and participate in my other sites, the Soapblox platform is quite robust up to 50 diaries a day (that would be one every half hour, which I’m perfectly willing to run at) with unlimited nested commenting of the pre-peeder refresh it your own lazy self type.

As well as being an HTML playground because everyone wants to look pretty.

I have some access improvements I’m going to make real soon, but I do have my writing to keep up with.  The more you do the less I have to, sometimes you make your own fun.

Where hides evil in my kingdom, then?

Always… where you never expect it. Always.

Loose interesting stuff-

The Problem With Civility

| More

by: Armando

Sat Sep 15, 2007 at 21:05:41 PDT

On Civility

| More

by: ek hornbeck

Sun Sep 16, 2007 at 09:59:12 PDT

HRW: Khadafy ‘narrowly targeting the armed rebels’

by: fairleft

Thu Apr 14, 2011 at 19:51:21 PM EDT