The Settlement & Other Propaganda

(10 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

This is a state by state breakdown of the foreclosure settlement (h/t Yves Smith):

An astute observation from Lambert Strether:

OMFG, look at the weasel wording in the press release:

   “This agreement is very significant in how it addresses the fraud that these banks committed against many homeowners across our state,” said ___.” This agreement not only provides much needed relief to (STATE) [Ha ha, fill in the blank!!!] borrowers, but it also puts a stop to many of the bad [criminal] behaviors that contributed to the mortgage mess in our state and across the country.”

And then there’s “fraud that these banks committed.” So if it’s fraud (against whom?!) then why is nobody going to jail?

UPDATE Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot. Banksters never go to jail. A banana republic like ours has a two-tier system of justice, and banksters have impunity for all crimes. Unlike you, peasants. My bad, seriously.

And is definitely a top comment:

Google tells it like it is. I google the first phrase as a complete string, a la “This agreement is very significant in how it addresses the fraud“, and the first thing that comes up is indeed Tom Miller’s press release, from 9 minutes ago (10:44AM EST), and two or three down after that, links to Nigerian 419 scams, triggered by the similarities between the Miller’s wording, and the scripts of scam artists. Shocker!

(all emphasis mine)

Some of the propaganda (again h/t Yves Smith):

Settlement Graphic and Settlement Graphic

Click the links but first put all heavy and sharp objects out of reach.


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     (Tune:  America the Beautiful)

    God bless free enterprise, system divine,

    Stand beside her and guide her,

    Just as long as the profits are mine.

    Good old Wall Street, may she flourish

    Corporations, may they grow;

    God bless free enterprise, the status  quo,

    God bless free enterprise, the status  quo.

    So I get shunned for saying “I’m thinking about voting Romney and taking the chance that he’ll be a better democrat than Obama has been a republican”. I get those “the world will explode if those dangerous republicans take control, and you’ll be on the street selling apples for a penny.” threats.

    Well, it seems to me I’m pretty close to selling apples on the street corner now. The Dems seem to be the best at maintaining the status quo. A slow decline to the street corner selling apples.

    Fuck em all. I’m going to go get some grease for my apple cart wheels while I still can.


     (Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic)

    We’ve built this mighty nation with

     our enterprising cash,

    We’ve all become accustomed to a

     periodic crash,

    So you mustn’t be alarmed if things

     seem to go to smash,

    For Profits must prevail.


    Private enterprise forever,

    Private enterprise forever,

    Private enterprise forever,

    For Profits must prevail.

    Communistic, socialistic, anarchistic


    Revolution, insurrection, strikes,

     et cetera,

    We’ll all join together in a long

     and loud “Bushwa”,

    For profits must prevail.


    We’ve organized the N.A.M., the

     Junior C. of C.,

    Our lobbyists are hard at work in

     Washington, D.C.,

    To preserve Congressional confidence

     in a free economy,

    For profits must prevail.


    Our workers strike and organize and

     call us dirty names,

    If their wives and kids are starving,

     we’ll admit it’s a shame.

    We wish that they would understand

     that we are not to blame,

    For Profits must prevail.


  3. Google tells it like it is. I google the first phrase as a complete string, a la “This agreement is very significant in how it addresses the fraud”, and the first thing that comes up is indeed Tom Miller’s press release, from 9 minutes ago (10:44AM EST), and two or three down after that, links to Nigerian 419 scams, triggered by the similarities between the Miller’s wording, and the scripts of scam artists. Shocker!

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