Hey There Obama

With apologies to no one, but I borrowed the tune from The Plain White Tees.

Hey There Obama

hey there Obama

what’s it like there in that bubble

yeah, I hate to spoil the party

but here on main street

we’re in trouble

yes it’s true

not that it matters much to you

what else is new

hey there Obama

sorry wisdom from a cynic

I’m still here with no insurance

and two hours from a clinic

save your spin

you’ve got an ear that’s made of tin

that’s not a win

oh but what’d you do for me

oh but what’d you do for me

oh but what’d you do for me

oh but what’d you do for me

what’d you do for me

hey there Obama

you know times are getting hard

but just believe me, man

that tax cuts create jobs is a canard

but..way to go

your corporate buddies love you so

I think you know

hey there Obama

I’ve got more advice to give

if ever one word that I wrote you

would only hit you where you live

I’d write some more

instead of showing you the door

you’re such a bore

oh but what’d you do for me

oh but what’d you do for me

oh but what’d you do for me

oh but what’d you do for me

you don’t care what our problems are

we’ve lost our homes, our jobs, our cars

a farce of the audacity of hope

and you can take that “yes we can”

and stuff it-hey, just fuck you, man.

here, take this empty “donate” envelope

Obama your words don’t ring true

I have had enough of you

our world will never ever be the same

and you’re to blame

hey there Obama

you’ll be fine and you won’t miss me

that the other guys are worse inspires

your campaign will make more history like ya do

no one fires up the base like you

too bad it’s nothing good or true

hey there Obama here’s to you

this one’s for you

oh but what’d you do for me

oh but what’d you do for me

oh but what’d you do for me

oh but what’d you do for me

what’d you do for me

Crossposted at The Free Speech Zone

Sing along!  


  1. I hope everyone here enjoys an old fashioned sing along!

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