Popular Culture (Music) 20120601: More Moodies – Every Good Boy Deserves Favour

Last time we discussed A Question of Balance, and tonight we discuss their next album.  Released on 19710723, Every Good Boy Deserves Favour was the seventh album by The Moody Blues, and the sixth one with the Edge, Hayward, Lodge, Pinder, and Thomas lineup.  As we shall see next time, by then they had pretty much determined that the original lineup were really quite a different band than the one that was created when Hayward and Lodge joined.

Although not my favorite album by them, it has some really high parts (punintentional).  It charted at #1 in the UK and at #2 in the US, not a trivial accomplishment considering the great music of the period.  Once again Tony Clarke produced it and Phil Travers supplied the cover art for the record.

The album is unusual in several respects.  First of all, the title itself, according to Wikipedia, is a mnemonic memory aide for the treble clef:  E, G, B, D, F.  Secondly, the cut “Emily’s Song” was written by Lodge for his new daughter.  Finally, it is contains the only work written by all five band members.

I am going to try something new tonight.  Please let me know if it helps or is just a distraction.  I have inserted the text of the lyrics after the embedded music so that you can follow along and understand what they are singing better.

The album starts with “Procession”, the aforementioned song written by all five band members.  It is a very strange song, but quite a good one.  I find it of interest that they chose to lead off with drums and sitar (except for the otherworldly sounds from Pinder’s Moog), the ancestors of which are some of our most primitive instruments, with drums most likely being the most ancient of all.  Crude drums are actually natural occurring products, as a hollow tree trunk and a club are all that are required.  Stringed instruments are more technologically advanced, but no doubt ancient cultures soon realized that the animal sinews that the were using to stitch hides together, perhaps wound on a flexible piece of wood that bowed as the sinew dried and shrunk, would resonate when plucked by the fingers.

There are few words in the song, the first being “desolation”.  My understanding is that the song is their description of the evolution of music, so “desolation” is an appropriate description for the time before music.  The title is good, but if I had written it I might have called it “Evolution”.

After the drums and sitar, there are some thunderous drums and the word “creation”, which I take to mean that the roots of primitive music were developed.  No one knows when that happened, as it is lost in antiquity.  The few note of a piano, a quite modern instrument, seem out of place here.  Some rainforest sounds and the word “communication” are next, and I believe that this expresses nonverbal sounds as a form of communication.

This is followed by drums, bass guitar, and chanting.  There is a very nice reference to In Search of the Lost Chord as the chanting turns to “aum”.  Next there is a transition to drums, sitar, and flute.  The ancestors of the flute are also quite ancient, extant examples of which can be found dating to 41,000 BCE.  Most of the ancient ones are made from bone, a naturally hollow and easily worked material.

Next is a nice transition to one of my favorite instruments, harpsichord.  This if followed by my very favorite keyboard instrument, Hammond organ.  The Moody Blues did not used Hammond very much, and that is sort of a shame.  It is the electromechanical descendant of the pipe organ, which in turn is a descendant of the flute.  Next it cuts to Mellotron and finally some really hot electric guitar.  The very end sounds sort of like King Crimson, another band that I like very much.  Here is “Procession”:

The next song is the marvelous Hayward song, “The Story in Your Eyes”.  This as quintessentially Moodies as they come.  Hayward is fantastic on electric guitar on this piece.  It is a pity that it is only 2:57 long.  It made #23 as a single is the US, but evidently failed to chart in the UK.

I’ve been thinking about our fortune

And I’ve decided that we’re really not to blame

For the love that’s deep inside us now

Is still the same

And the sounds we make together

Is the music to the story in your eyes

It’s been shining down upon me now

I realize

Listen to the tide slowly turning

Wash all our heartaches away

We’re part of the fire that is burning

And from the ashes we can build another day

But I’m frightened for your children

That the live that we are living is in vain

And the sunshine we’ve been waiting for

Will turn to rain

Listen to the tide slowly turning

Wash all our heartaches away

We’re part of the fire that is burning

And from the ashes we can build another day

But I’m frightened for the children

That the live that we are living is in vain

And the sunshine we’ve been waiting for

Will turn to rain

When the final line is over

It’s certain that the curtain’s gonna fall

I can hide inside your sweet sweet love

For ever more

Here is one that is a little longer and I think better than the original studio album one.  It is supposed to the the original version, and is just so, so good.

Song #3 on the first side is “Our Guessing Game” by Ray Thomas.  Note the Moog as the horn sound along with the Mellotron as strings.  This is quite a nice song.

Walking in the sand

Thinking of things, adventures in my mind

Tall ships that sail

Across the ocean wide

They won’t wait for me

See the way they glide away so gracefully

And with tomorrow what will become of me

They leave me so much to explain

That’s the start of our guessing game

There are times when I think I’ve found the truth

There are times when I know that I’m wrong

And the days when I try to hide my fears

Bless the days when I’m feeling strong

Bless the days when I’m feeling strong

Wonder why we try so hard

Wonder why we try at all

You wonder why the world is turning around

When in the end it won’t matter at all

Standing in the town

Looking at people, counting their frowns

Unhappy faces, hurrying around

So blind they cannot see

All of these things

The way life ought to be

And with tomorrow what will they make of me

It leaves me so much to explain

That’s the start of our guessing game

There are times when I think I’ve found the truth

There are times when I know that I’m wrong

And the days when I try to hide my fears

Bless the days when I’m feeling strong

There are times when I think I’ve found the truth

There are times when I know that I’m wrong

And the days when I try to hide my fears

Bless the days when I’m feeling strong

There are times when I think I’ve found the truth

The forth song on the first side is “Emily’s Song”, mentioned above.  The addition of cello and celesta are nice touches to a very pretty and emotional song.

Lovely to know the warmth

You’re smile can bring to me

I want to tell you but the words you do not know

Sing me a lullaby

Of songs you cannot write

And I will listen for there’s beauty where there’s love

And in the morning of my life

And in the evening of my day

I will try to understand in what you say…

River’s of endless

Tides have passed beneath my feet

And all too soon they had me standing on my own

Then when my eyes were closed

You opened them for me

And now we journey thro’ our lives to what will be

And in the morning of my life

And in the evening of my day

I will try to understand in what you say

Through all that live can give to you

Only true love will see you through

And will stand beside you now in what you say

And in the morning of my life

And in the evening of my day

I will try to understand in what you say

Take me into your world

Alone I can not go

For I’ve been here so long

You’re leaving me behind

Walk with me now

Into your land of fairy tales

And open up that book of pages in my mind

And open up that book of ages in my mind

The last song of the first side is sort of atypical of The Moody Blues sound, but that is because Edge wrote it, and he mostly wrote the poetry parts that Pinder would recite.  I like it, but it is, as I said, sort of different for them.  Here is “After You Came”:

Since it began I’ve got one dream and really It’s my only blessing

If I can come through then so can you

And you will find there’s no regretting

Things that you want from your life’s font

Will never let your spirit grow

Come back to earth for what it’s worth

For you’ve been dreaming of the ceiling not a home

I’ve been doing my best

What else can I do?

Is there something I’ve missed

That will help you through

I’ve reached the top of my wall

I’ve found another way to fall

For some short time

For a while you and I were joined to eternity

Then we’re split in two back to me and you

Like the rain rising from the sea

Rising from the sea

We all can see what we shall be

But knowing’s really not controlling

With time perhaps I’ll pass the traps and find some peace and understanding

After you’ve come and while you’re gone

You leave me guessing – It’s depressing

Never to know the way to go to find some time along a little less pressing

So you just have to laugh

When it hurts so much

You’re so far away and so hard to touch

I’ve reached the top of my wall

I’ve found another way to fall

Since it began I’ve got one dream and really It’s my only blessing

If I can come through then so can you

And you will find there’s no regretting

Things that you want from your life’s font

Will never let your spirit grow

Come back to earth for what it’s worth

For you’ve been dreaming of the ceiling not a home

I’ve been doing my best

What else can I do?

Is there something I’ve missed

That will help you through

I’ve reached the top of my wall

I’ve found another way to fall

Side two begins with “One More Time to Live”, by Lodge.  It continues the theme from “Procession” in that the words “desolation”, “creation, and “communication” are used frequently.  It is not one of my favorites, but has its good points.

[Verse 1(a)]

Look out of my window

See the world passing by

See the look in her eye


One more time to live and I have made it mine

Leave the wise to write for they write worldly rhymes

And he who wants to fight begins the end of time…

For I have riches more than these

For I have riches more than these

[Middle 8]



Tell me someone why there’s only confusion


Tell me someone that this is all an illusion


Tell me someone


Tell me someone




Tell me someone why this talk of revolution


Tell me someone when we’re changing evolution


Tell me someone


Tell me someone





Changes in my life



Changes in my life


Changes in my life




[Verse 2(a)]

Look out on the hedgerow

As the world rushes by

Hear the birds sign a sigh


One more tree will fall how strong the growing vine

Turn the earth to sand and still permit no crime

How one thought will live provide the others die

For I have riches more than these

For I have riches more than these

[Repeat Middle 8]

[Repeat Verse 1(a)]

The second song is the very psychedelic “Nice to be Here” by Thomas.  “Lovely weather, must climb a tree,” is fair warning because The Moodies often used a tree as a metaphor for the psychedelic experience, and that is followed by “the show has just begun.” very strongly suggesting the anticipation of a long trip.  At the same time, the song is lighthearted and really fun.  I like it very much, and Hayward’s guitar rocks!

Nice to be here hope you agree

Lying in the sun

Lovely weather, must climb a tree

The show has just begun

All the leaves start swaying

To the breeze that’s playing

On a thousand violins

And the bees are humming

To a frog sat strumming

On a guitar with only one string

I can see them they can’t see me

I feel out of sight

I can see them they can’t see me

Much to my delight

And it seems worth noting

Water rats were boating

As a lark began to sing

The sounds kept coming

With Jack Rabbit loudly drumming

On the side of a biscuit tin

I can see them they can’t see me

I feel out of sight

I can see them they can’t see me

Much to my delight

Silver minnows were devising

Water ballet so surprising

A mouse played a daffodil

A mole came up blinking

Underneath an owl who’s thinking

How he came to be sat on a hill

I can see them they can’t see me

I feel out of sight

I can see them they can’t see me

Much to my delight

I know you won’t believe me

But I’m certain that I did see

A mouse playing daffodil

All the band was really jumping

With Jack Rabbit in there thumping

I found that I couldn’t sit still

I just had to make it with them

Cause they played my kind of rhythm

And the bees hummed in harmony

And the owl played his oboe

Then the frog’s guitar solo

It was all just too much for me

I know you won’t believe me

But I’m certain that I did see

A mouse playing daffodil

All the band was really jumping

With Jack Rabbit in there thumping

I found that I couldn’t sit still

The Hayward song “You Can Never Go Home” is the third song on the side and is very faithful to what we think of as the “Moodies sound”.  Personally I find it a bit depressing, but that is most probably because of my current relationship status.  It is a very nice song.

I don’t know what I’m searching for

I never have opened the door,

Tomorrow might find me at last,

Turning my back on the past,

But, time will tell, of stars that fell,

A million years ago.

Memories can never take you back, home, sweet home.

You can never go home anymore.

All my life I never really knew me till today,

Now I know why, I’m just another step along the way,

I lie awake for hours, I’m just waiting for the sun.

When the journey we are making has begun,

Don’t deny the feeling that is stealing through your heart,

Every happy ending needs to have a start.

All my life I never really knew me till today,

Now I know why, I’m just another step along the way,

Weep no more for treasures you’ve been searching for in vain.

‘Cos the truth is gently falling with the rain,

High above the forest lie the pastures of the sun,

Where the two that learned the secret are now one.

I don’t know what I’m searching for

I never have opened the door,

Tomorrow might find me at last,

Turning my back on the past,

But, time will tell, of stars that fell,

A million years ago.

Memories can never take you back, home, sweet home.

You can never go home anymore.

The final song of the album is Pinder’s “My Song”.  This is an incredible piece of work, with bits and pieces from earlier work by the band and a heavy dose of psychedelia.  It is really quite remarkable.

I’m going to sing my song

And sing it all day long

A song that never ends

How can I tell you, all the things inside my head.

The change in these past years

Has made me see our world

In many different ways

How can I tell you, love can change our destiny.

Love can change the world

Love can change your life

Do what makes you happy

Do what you know is right

And love with all your might

Before it’s too late

Where did I find all these words

Something inside of me is burning

There’s life in other worlds

Maybe they’ll come to earth

Helping man to find a way

One day I hope we’ll be in perfect harmony

A planet with one mind

Then I could tell you

All the things inside my head

I’m going to sing my song

And sing it all day long

A song that never ends

How can I tell you, all the things inside my head.

I’m going to sing my song

A song that never ends

Thus ends Every Good Boy Deserves Favour.  This is a very good album, and several of the pieces are outstanding.  I remember when the album came out, because I was going to Saint Anne’s High School in Fort Smith, Arkansas at the time (well, it was August before I saw it at the record store on Garrison Avenue) and was struck with the cover.

Next time we shall examine Seventh Sojourn, unfortunately the last of what I consider to be the real Moodies albums.  As always, if you find videos that you would think that folks would like, feel free to add them in the comments.  I should be here most of the evening because I have no one to see this weekend, so I welcome my readers to keep me company.

Finally, my wrist is almost completely healed except for residual muscle weakness from lack of use.  I am doing some simple weight exercises to strengthen the muscles.  Except for some rare activities, the only time I wear the splint now is when I type.  I noticed last night when I was mending a strap for my dear friend’s little girl that I need to wear it whilst sewing as well, but it was a small job and I did not bother to walk over and get it for a five minute job.  They were getting packed to go camping this weekend with her aunt’s family.  Unfortunately, they chose to go on the coldest day since March, and it is forecast to stay cold until Sunday when they come home here in the Bluegrass.

Warmest regards,

Doc, aka Dr. David W. Smith

Crossposted at

Daily Kos,

Docudharma, and



  1. one of the best bands ever?

    Warmest regards,


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