Evil Thoughts

(4 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)


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  1. to use for putting someone out of your misery, isn’t there?

  2. and you’re in Chappaqua. Time to fire the social secretary.

    • on 07/08/2014 at 23:09

    She and Bill were so broke that they had to become friends with evil rich Republicans.

    In 2008, Hillary Clinton and Dick Scaife stunned political partisans when they met for a lengthy editorial board interview in the Pittsburgh Trib’s office. They got along famously, and he endorsed her in Pennsylvania’s Democratic presidential primary.

    He met privately with Bill Clinton a year earlier, in an unrelated encounter at Clinton’s New York offices, and later donated to the Clinton Global Initiative foundation.

    After a second meeting, he told friends that he enjoyed the former president and admired his intellect, even if they disagreed on some issues.

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