Dispatches From Hellpeckersville-Thankful

This week I thought I’d write about what I’m thankful for, before I have to cook tomorrow, and I’m still feeling it. The days of mimosas or a glass of wine or five to take me through Thanksgiving Day are long past, so by the time I get dinner on the table what I’m mostly feeling is tired and sweaty, but don’t tell anyone, I put my happy face on. I’ll even engage in after dinner activities, once the damn football is done with. We usually play games, and I have a new one lined up for this year.

I’m thankful that I found a new doctor. Most people are thankful they still have their health, some of us haven’t had theirs for years, so I’m pretty thankful that things might be looking up for me in that area. I still have some pretty bad days, but I’ve noticed, and I don’t want to put the maloik on myself here, but I have noticed that I’ve had a few pretty good days. Maybe these Botox treatments are going to help me out, eh? And, yes, my bitchy face rests really well now.

I am thankful for my husband. I have no idea where I’d be now if Cleetus hadn’t come along, but I’ll tell you this, I’d probably hate it. I will allow that there are times I know that we could take that bickering act of ours on the road, in fact, it’s been enjoyed by every cashier and server within a 20 mile range. We try to keep it under wraps at parent/teacher conferences and the like, but we don’t always succeed, oh well. It’s good-natured bickering, nobody gets nervous or anything. We’re a couple of prickly pears, we’ll stick together.

My kids? Hell, they’re the reason I get out of bed every day. The most delightful thing in my life. I have fun with my kids. Most parents are happy when it’s time to send them back to school, not me, baby! The truth is–I like having them here. Sure, I wouldn’t mind a night out here or there, but for the most part, I’d rather spend time with them. I think becoming a mom might have saved my life, and I’m dead serious about that. Before Cleetus and the kids I was steadily losing ground, now, even if I’m not doing well, I have a reason to keep going anyway.

I’m thankful for my family, without them I wouldn’t be who I am. I’d have no roof over my head, and no example for my kids to say look, this is what family looks like. This is how it should be, you help each other, you fight, you forgive, you come together in the end.

Finally, this year I’m thankful for my online family. You all know who you are. I’m no real writer, or I’d be able to put into words what your friendship and support has meant to me this past year so that you would feel it down to the marrow of your bones. The most I can manage is what you see here, and it somehow feels inadequate, but I hope what comes through is how much I love and appreciate you all, how thankful I am to have friends like you.


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    • on 11/27/2014 at 02:13

    Timeline. We have the American History, Americana, Diversity, and Music & Cinema editions. You can use them all together, so we intend to do so.

    • on 11/27/2014 at 02:36

    always enjoy your columns…

    and i’m thankful for my cats – they are my kids… and my roof, and enough income to make it through decently…

    have to work a couple hours tomorrow, my asst is doing the cooking, and we’re going to have a fire in the afternoon – should be fairly cold…

    watching Gone with the Wind on AMC right now… i know it’s not PC whatsoever, but there are some good points in it and it is historical to an extent, and dammit, i like it…

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day triv! to you and the entire family! 😀

  1. in every sense of the word. So many of my family, friends and colleagues have passed through the veil, it amazes me that, after some of the insanely dangerous places I’ve been and things I’ve done, I’m still here. I am thankful.

    Thanksgiving is a much smaller this year. No more dinners for 20 and 30 people. This year its just eight. I am learning to appreciate the simplicity of it. I still only do the deserts. The daughter, the nephews and their significant others do the rest, including clean up. Next year there will be a new addition, who won’t be old enough to partake in the turkey dinner but will be warmly and lovingly welcomed to the feast. I am thankful.

    Over the last year, I have made new wonderful friends that I never would have met if it hadn’t been for my on-line friendships. I am thankful.

    I would not be here writing this or anything else if it hadn’t been for two people who encourage me to put my thoughts into words, ek hornbeck and Edger. This site and Docudharma would not be here if it weren’t for them. I am thankful.

    You’re a wonderful writer, triv. Don’t stop, no matter how bad you might think it is. The more you write the better you get and we are always are own worst critics. I am thankful that you and all the others who contribute here and elsewhere.

    I hope everyone has a happy, healthy and peaceful Thanksgiving.


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