Dispatches From Hellpeckersville-Okay, Unfriended

I have a lot of facebook friends, and by that I mean plenty of strangers I friended for gameplay and maybe 100 people I actually know, kind of know, or people I used to know. I see a lot of hateful divisive crap posted, mostly political, and mostly from people I don’t really know. Game players, team mates, I just scroll on by or hide their posts for the most part, but lately I’ve started unfriending them. And I’m talking both left and right, yes, mostly right-wing, because they have some really far out there hate, but I can’t deal with the hateful shit from either side. I don’t even care if I need team mates for that game anymore, if I see one more post that makes me feel slightly ill just looking at it, unfriended.

I just had to unfriend somebody I kind of knew. She used to live around here, she was friends with one of my nieces, nice kid, I thought. She moved away and we were facebook friends, facebook game team mates for a game or two, and she would post the kind of things anybody in their teens would post. Then things changed. Ugly posts. A few months back I saw a post where she basically argued against a living wage. I couldn’t believe it. Are people so petty that because they make too little they believe everybody should? Fifteen dollars an hour for burger flippers? NO WAY!!! I wanted to say, come on, little girl, anybody who works 40 hours should earn enough to live, but I didn’t.

The last straw came when she posted her deep thought that it wouldn’t surprise her if Obama changed the pictures on our currency. Now, WTF? Why? I mean, to what end? Plus, it was poorly punctuated, with misspellings aplenty, and most of all–ridiculous CT. Why does the right wing hate Obama for all the wrong reasons? And, if you call them on their crazy, why do they automatically assume that you’re a huge Obama fan? I got called a grammar nazi, okay, that’s fair, and also told to “come over here and say that.” Um…sweetie? That’s not how facebook works. This is the internet, I’m not standing anywhere nearby. I’m so tired of this “I’m hatefully ignorant and proud of it” crap. Unfriended and blocked.

I have a lot of conservative facebook friends who dislike the President, most of them don’t go posting hateful racist crap or ridiculous CT. I dislike a great many of the President’s policies. I think if you’re going to hate on a President, do it for what he’s actually doing, do it for what he’s responsible for, not for some crazy assed bullshit you think or heard he might do. This President has a veritable feast to choose from, come on, people.

When I post anything political on facebook now, it’s generally about a specific issue, an issue that I believe affects us all, like Social Security, the environment, or how both parties serve the 1% and not us, the average American. Now, I know the tea party people think they’re trying to do something about that, but they’re so not. Being divisive and hateful? Divvying people into who’s deserving and who is not? Voting dickheads who will not serve their interests any more than the last jackass into office? No, that’s not helping shit. Oh, and btw, your little tea party is funded, gets it’s talking points, and is run by people who don’t have anything but the interest of billionaires at heart. Democrats? Not much better. OFA? Go suck an egg. And that goes for most of the so-called progressive groups out there. You don’t serve our interests anymore either, and I learned that the hard way.

So yeah, I’m done with it. The only exceptions I’m making are for comedy. Some things are just downright hilarious. The YouTube of the homeschooling mom who thinks the dinosaur bones came from dragons? Yeah, that cracked me up. But if people just have post after post of ugly hateful shit? Done. I am done. The great unfriending has begun.


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  1. I find I can’t be any kind of nice to these folks anymore. I just can’t do it. You post hate and label other humans as trash and illegals and tell me they’re not worth anything, but I should be polite to you because that’s “just your opinion?” No.

    • on 02/26/2015 at 02:06

    and that’s prob my best argument when i run across them… luckily, most of the hard core righties, with a few notable exceptions, steer clear of my page…

    i’ve been unfriended though, cuz ya know, some folks who can’t stand heat go into the kitchen and it gets too hot, lol…

    there is a group that i got added to on facebook called Christians against Dinosaurs. i saw it and laughed and laughed so i requested an add… i think at least half the folks in it are trolling it and it’s a lot of fun and they add anyone… part of me wonders if the whole thing is satire – just really well played satire… the group believes that dinosaurs did not exist…

    let me know if you want the linky… 😀

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